Prickly City by Scott Stantis for May 07, 2014

  1. Eagle globe anchor
    johnt204  almost 10 years ago

    She could start with her own derriere.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I love guys who call out the hottest, funniest, most interesting … and darkest … First Lady in history as unattractive..Here we’ve got some commenter who uses Semper Fi as his avatar online but who in reality hasn’t got the guts to say what really bothers him about the lady. If you’re gonna be that way, you could at least be brave enough to man up and admit what we already know about you, coward.

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  3. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  almost 10 years ago

    Yes, I still read this strip. And, much to the annoyance of many other posters on this strip, I think I’ll post something today, as well..As a registered Democrat who voted for Barrack Obama, as a father of a daughter who was declared uninsurable under the pre-Obamacare rules, a daughter whose medical issues cost many times more money than I will ever be able to make,.To this day, I will maintain that Obamacare, or something like it, was always needed, all along..That said, Scott (or Eric) did manage to hit upon the one facet of this issue that strikes my nerves: Michelle’s ill-conceived “war on obesity” – in particular, childhood obesity..There are those who feel as if Michelle’s actions amount to the following oversimplified statement: The solution to the bullying of fat kids is to get rid of the fat kids. I tend to agree with this, but grant (and hope) that this is inadvertent..Let’s face it: We are dealing with the “last safe prejudice,” as Oprah Winfrey once so eloquently put it. But it is too bad that even Oprah did as much as she could to perpetuate that prejudice. And her successor, Doctor Oz, is even worse..And, oddly enough, I thank Scott for highlighting this issue!.Wait! Wait! I can see it now!.Doctor Oz read today’s Prickly City!.Maybe we’re going to hear even more “Off with their fat!”.Oh, well. Time for the night worker, day sleeper, to go to bed..Until next time, pleeeaasaaant dreeeaams?!? (To the loud and lengthy sound of a creaking door…)

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