Scott Stantis for February 14, 2014

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Obama is no more a Socialist than FDR or LBJ were

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    yusodum  about 10 years ago

    I’d love to disagree with you, as you seem good at arguing your points.

    First: Europeans rarely call themselves “Socialist”. They would use the word “Socialdemocratic”. Calling European states socialistic is something Americans do, not Europeans.

    Second, I agree that Obama is a Fascist, but not that he is a Socialist. The subtle distinction to my naive mind is whether anybody ‘owns’ the means of production and thus keeps the profits from them. Corporate Fascism allows a few select to own these means, provided that they serve the purpose of government (or vice versa, which seems to more often be the case).

    I would argue that if you were to tax Walmart 80% of their income, it would be a socialist system, as the wealth generated would belong to the state, whereas since they are allowed to keep basically all of it, it is fascist.

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    nate9279  about 10 years ago

    yeah, hm, you should ask the scandinavian countries the same question. And you know what they say? We’re happy to pay our taxes for our egalitarian society.

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    Lamberger  about 10 years ago

    Communistic and Fascistic governments both control all property. The Communists are just more honest about it by owning everything in name, whereas the Fascists allow you to own your property, while the government completely controls it. Both are socialistic governments. Time was when the political spectrum ran from anarchism to totalitarianism. Both Communism and Fascism are at the right end of that spectrum.

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    William Bednar Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Factoid: Liberalism (Obama) does NOT equal Socialism!

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    lonecat  about 10 years ago

    You say Obama is a socialist. Well, I say he’s a Royalist. It’s a fact!! He wants to undo the War of Independence. It’s all in Sal Alensky’s book. It’s a fact!!!

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