Lalo Alcaraz for November 26, 2013

  1. Missing large
    hippogriff  over 10 years ago

    Gresch: We already did most of it.

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  2. Frankiefishville
    H P Hundt Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Alcarez won’t be happy until Mexico annexes us and the continent becomes a giant Tijuana.

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  3. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    Works for me. If only he’d actually do that!

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Obama has deported more than Bush, hmm. Mexico used to be most of the area now the U.S. southwest, and Spain was earliest to settle most of the south as well. War, theft, and purchases made the land the U.S..

    We need immigration reform, and bring back a viable “guest worker” program. Interesting how many HIGH PAYING jobs in the U.S. are now going to Chinese, Vietnamese, and other foreign workers, but farm workers, who make a lot less, and do jobs most Americans don’t want, and won’t take, from Mexico and Central/South America, are the targets every time.

    Arizona’s “driving while brown” law led to a number of folks whose families had lived on that land for over 200 years, got stopped as “suspicious”, while “invaders” from Michigan never got bothered.

    Lalo is just well aware of the hidden, or open, bigotry that is getting worse in America. “Give me your poor”, has morphed to some of the worst xenophobia in our history. That’s not a “liberal” observation, it’s history that even the Irish, Germans, Jews, and Italians,while subjected to discrimination at times, never endured the persistence that applies to those often just THOUGHT TO BE, from “south of the border”.

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  5. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 10 years ago

    The turkeys were born here…

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  6. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   over 10 years ago

    Then they must be illegal. They only work a few days a month, in any case, and do nothing of value, so, no loss.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Might also be worth looking into some of those Spanish land grants in New Mexico that are still legally binding. Or, check out Pio Pico in California. Or, the Hispanic history of Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, etc.

    To qualify, I should have said “Hispanics”, but I don’t like that term, as many of my “Mexican” friends who are fifth and sixth generation born in the U.S. also prefer.

    But of course all those Birchers and birthers know that John Wayne won the battle of the Alamo, and also led the first REAL European settlers into California.

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  8. Missing large
    sbeavin  over 10 years ago

    The turkey is here LEGALLY! Actually simple. Years of breaking the laws of the land does not make them legal.

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