Steve Breen for November 22, 2013

  1. Bullhorn3edit4
    Kroykali  over 10 years ago

    I think you mean,“And that’s the way it is”, Cronkite’s famous sign-off. But I’m sure he didn’t use it that day.

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  2. Bullhorn3edit4
    Kroykali  over 10 years ago

    “Rightist”?? Are you serious?The news has become such a leftist support agency it’s not funny.

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  3. Cumbres toltec steam engine   tiny
    jimguess  over 10 years ago

    I was in college and watched the news in the Student Union.


    We know there was more than one gunman. We saw on the news when the police came down the ‘grassy knoll’ carrying two rifles. Those rifles had spent shells in them.

    Oswald was in the building.

    So, there were at least three gunmen involved.

    Conspiracy theories? HA! it is the truth.

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  4. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Sigh. Maddow isn’t an “anchor”, she’s proudly, purely opinion. FYI, O’Reilly is opinion, too.Maybe that’s your problem… you don’t know when you are presented with facts versus opinions.

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  5. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  over 10 years ago

    and Fair & Balanced….Ha ha….

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Murrow, Cronkite, Huntley-Brinkley, and some other journalists who became “news anchors”, starting with 15 minute programs, then 30 minutes became a “big deal” on TV. Now, we have hours on end of talking heads, many, if not most “airheads with good hair”, spouting opinion, not news, and the listeners can’t discriminate.

    Add in the fact that we have a largely “functionally illiterate” population, and “print” is out as well, being replaced by web based “picture news”. Noticed the comparison of Google “losing out” to the competition. Google searches brought up articles with lots of text, and function. The “competition” brought up web pages with lots of pictures, but no real content.

    Dumbing down America is very profitable for many folks, like big oil, big pharma, big insurance, and just plain big corporations of all stripes. It’s another offshoot of “Citizens United”, actually.

    MIght well be good to bring back the “fairness doctrine”, at least on the all PUBLIC airwaves, owned (in theory) by the people, not “government”.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Ruff, you’ve probably noticed they (Aljazeera America) actually have journalists, and when it IS a “discussion” program, they make extensive effort to have every viewpoint represented by someone knowledgeable on the issue, and able to present a spectrum of information: very different indeed!

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  8. Lifi
    rossevrymn  over 10 years ago

    Get over him.

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  9. Missing large
    candacemax  over 10 years ago

    Great ’toon, Mr. Breen. Brought tears to my eyes…I was only 7 yrs old that day, but I remember…

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  10. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Great likeness of Cronkite.

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