Lisa Benson for October 27, 2013

  1. Koala
    ransomdstone  over 10 years ago

    Only in Lisa World is there land at the north pole!

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    paytonb  over 10 years ago

    Funny how when Bush was in office many of the very same people posting here now were all up in arms about this very same thing. Interesting how things are always ok when it’s your party doing the deed and a gross injustice when it’s the opposing party. Why can’t people grow a spine, see through the BS in DC and think for themselves?

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    ggauss Premium Member over 10 years ago

    We have Snowden “the patriot” to thank for all this uproar. I hope the Guardian and Russia stop paying him soon for his treason.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Perspective?: Nathan Hale was a “patriot” and national hero for over 200 years! EVERY country has long gathered intelligence on their neighbors, friend and foe, only the technology has “changed” and become for sophisticated. NOTE: it’s a not so secret “secret” that both U.S. and Russian satellites have been gathering intercepted intelligence for several decades. So, why the big flap in the media now? Oh, right, this administration is more “evil”, even though we’re ENDING our longest wars in history, and intelligence gathering has a lot to do with the ability to do that!

    YES! Obama has some “screwups” on record. I don’t agree with all of his policy changes (especially giving in to some of the most conservative pressures, just to try to get ANYTHING passed in Congress) but for stupid, or just plain “Evil”, try “unitary presidency”, wars, debt surge, market crash in ’08, and other “Items” from the Bush/Cheney administration and their folks like Feith, Ashcroft, Gonzales, et al!

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    ARodney  over 10 years ago

    Lisa doesn’t know the difference between headphones and microphones. Cut her some slack, she’s a conservative.

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  6. Jb jazz
    AlnicoV   over 10 years ago

    In 2002, wow, President Obama really had to screw up in order to make a mistake like that before he was even in the Senate.

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    paytonb  over 10 years ago

    “Just goes to show you, America’s image is beyond repair. NO ONE can.” Depends on who you ask where. It was bad in some countries/regions and good in others under Bush.. under Obama it’s the same only many of the countries/regions have shifted one way or the other. It all boils down to who you want to like us and who you could care less about ultimately.

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    paytonb  over 10 years ago

    I really could care less who likes us, I’m more concerned with how our own citizens perceive our country that how others perceive it.

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