Gary Varvel for October 14, 2013

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    frodo1008  over 10 years ago

    Did you even bother to read the hatred of the president in the other ultra conservative comments? And the cartoon itself was as you said, whimsically going after all politicians in general, neither the president nor Congress specifically, all share somewhat in the fiasco going on in Washington at this time. But the latest pols now show that such little old ladies and gentlemen generally blame Congress more, and specifically the Republicans and tea party types in Congress even more. We will see what happens in 2014. I hope not, but I think the people will go back to sleep and elect the same clowns once again, as usual!!

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    ARodney  over 10 years ago

    Reid, Pelosi, and Obama know how to lead. Pelosi actually got stuff passed. Boehner can’t even bring a bill up for a vote. Talk about leading from behind…

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    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Both sides DO have a share of clowns, but the TEA party GOPers are more like Freddie Kruger, and operating across the country, not just on Elm street.

    My own district House member has been an idiot for years, but in a strongly “right” district, getting rid of him has not been possible. When TWO different Republican Senators as well as other House folks have recognized his incompetence, he keeps rising up the party ladder, just incredible.

    To the ’toon, is she doing us a favor with ground glass, or razor blades in the candy?

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Ha! I’ve never seen anyone accuse Congress of being “clowns”! Golly, that stings! Fresh humor always does.

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