Clay Bennett for September 16, 2013

  1. Cumbres toltec steam engine   tiny
    jimguess  over 10 years ago

    Finally! Clay has a cartoon that is actually PRODUCTIVE!

    Thomas Sowell said it: “It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication, and a government bureaucracy to administer it.”

    But, Clay is obviously a firm believer in Obamacare …

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  2. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    You have to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication, and a for-profit private bureaucracy. Here in Canada we have a government bureaucracy, and its a lot more efficient and cheaper than the private system you have in the US.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    The GOP just wants to take all the numbers off the dial, so folks can’t get at their medical care. Well, unless they buy drugs at 40-400 times “fair market value” prices because patent law and Republican passed bills, allows the “corporates” to charge whatever they care to get away with, even with Medicare!

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Hmm, Maybe “troll” is the verb, not a noun, as in “spinning, going around and around”, like in confused circles with no point, but to chase, and catch, nothing but it’s own ignorance?

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Once again, for Republicans/Fox “news” viewers, health care for Americans is not an issue:-Do you think the American health care system should be improved?-Well, all I know is that I hate Obamacare, and Obama.-Yeah, but do you believe more Americans should get health care coverage?-My health care coverage is just fine. Besides, I already answered. And, you know, the American health care system is the greatest in the world. And anyway, I would never support anything Obama proposes, no matter what it is.-Yeah, but what about the health care system?-Did you know that Obama is a socialist, communist fascist who was born in Kenya and is a muslim? And he’s coming to TAKE YOUR GUNS!

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  6. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 10 years ago

    ^^ Are you implying that it should be illegal to deny people coverage if they have pre-existing condition(s)?

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  7. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 10 years ago

    “Again, you didn’t need a 2,000 page Bill to make it illegal to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.”

    But you do need it to explain how the high risk pools are going to work, the employer insurance mandate, the individual mandate, the exchanges that are going to be set up, and how it expands Medicare for those who can’t afford insurance. Then there’s the little things like keeping your kids in your insurance until they are 26, the end of insurance lifetime payouts (if you have cancer and your insurance pays $100,000 worth of treatments you won’t be stuck paying the balance), and all the other things that come with this package. I know cons/libertarians hate to read, but passing these things one by one meant risking filibusters to the conservatives as well as lollygagging on other issues like equal pay for women and such.

    “And HMOs were Teddy Kennedy’s idea in 1969.”

    Ahhhh yes, the “one senator can circumvent our rule of law” approach. If you believe that, then you have no idea how our gubbermint works.

    BTW what are you doing up at 2:00AM in the morning? Oh I forgot, you’re retired.

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  8. Missing large
    ARodney  over 10 years ago

    Once again, there was never a Democratic senator who said that Obamacare would be a train wreck. He said that the efforts to explain Obamacare to the people who need it, in states where Republicans are sabotaging the government, could be a train wreck. This is proving to be the case — whether Obamacare saves you money depends a lot on the party governing the state. Fortunately, I’m in a blue state.

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  9. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 10 years ago

    Yeah sure blame Obama for your bad spending habits on smokes and booze.

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  10. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 10 years ago

    ‘Obama has made it impossible for me to EVER retire, and your post, like Obamacare, is worthless.’-Is that because you lost your nest egg in that financial crash in 2008 that Obama caused?-Ya know, you should just get yourself fired. As Romney described, you’ll get unemployment, food stamps, free health care, free education, free everything. You’ll be living the high life, just like Romney described. Besides getting everything for free, you won’t be paying any taxes at all.-What’s the problem?

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  11. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Yeah, MY health care is just fine, so we do not need to improve the American health care system, which is the greatest in the world.-If those deadbeats who don’t have coverage would just go get a decent job and work hard and save their money, why, they’d have coverage just like me.-And Obama is a socialist communist fascist Muslim. And he’s coming to take your guns!

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