Michael Ramirez for July 20, 2013

  1. United federation
    corzak  over 10 years ago

    In Jasper, Texas on June 7, 1998, James Byrd, Jr., an African-American, was murdered by three men, Shawn Berry, Lawrence Russell Brewer, and John King, of whom at least two were white supremacists.The three men beat Byrd severely, urinated on him and chained him by his ankles to their pickup truck before dragging him for three miles. Brewer later claimed that Byrd’s throat had been slashed by Berry before he was dragged. However, forensic evidence suggests that Byrd had been attempting to keep his head up while being dragged, and an autopsy suggested that Byrd was alive during much of the dragging. Byrd died after his right arm and head were severed after his body hit a culvert.The murderers drove on for another mile before dumping Byrd’s torso in front of an African-American cemetery in Jasper.

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    UM5  over 10 years ago

    If there was any racism in the unfortunate encounter of Mrs Martin and Mrs Zimmerman it was largely due to Sharpton’s involvement. The Attorney General should investigate him, not Zimmerman.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 10 years ago

    Bravo! Ramirez!Great points in the little-mentioned history of Al Sharpton.Truth seems to irritate Sharpton supporters, but Truth is needed as Sharpton begins another Evil Crusade. He brags that he will have protests in 100 US cities this weekend!cubefarmer is totally correct, “Sharpton is a racist preaching lynching” especially for George Zimmerman, a decent homeowner desiring fewer neighborhood burglaries, who if he didn’t have a gun, might have been the victim 2/26/12.

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    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    I am no fan of Al Sharpton, and I will spend no time defending him. Ramirez, however, displays astonishing insensitivity. Evidently he has no awareness of the history of lynching in the US. Or else he knows and doesn’t care.

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  5. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 10 years ago

    In post-racist America there are still too many vestiges of racism. The Al Sharptons with the courage to speak out are necessary to remind society that racism is unacceptable. Sharpton may occasionally over-react, but that is the price you pay for him doing his job..So far as those four cases depicted are concerned, truth is very much dependent upon interpretation and viewpoint. Which just illustrates racism is still out there.

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    timtribbett Premium Member over 10 years ago

    The first three of those are hardly open to interpretation. He a race hustler of the worst kind. Total sleeze bag

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    jinrock  over 10 years ago

    How true. Sharpton is a cheap race bating huckster enjoying the limelight at others expense.

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  8. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 10 years ago

    You people that counter with examples of black racism on white do nothing to oppose white racism on black. It just further illustrates that the struggle for a more tolerant society has a way to go.Life was so simple when it was just the Hatfields and the McCoys.

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  9. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 10 years ago

    “……The racial divide has been growing wider and wider since 1/20/2009……”.If it is true that the divide has been growing since the inauguration of a black president, that would seem to indicate resentment, and further proof that racism is still all too common.

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    avarner  over 10 years ago

    When will “Reverend” Sharpton be arrested for inciting riots?

    If anyone is killed or major property damage – MSNBC will surely be sued for providing him a platform to spew his vile hatred…

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    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    I’m not a fan of Sharpton or the rhetoric of Jessie Jackson, but the first thing I thought of when seeing the ‘toon was the James Byrd Jr case, and thousands of others like it. Yes, the KKK was once the “home” of southern Democrats, but that changed with the Civil Rights Act, and today’s racist base is firmly in the southern Republican Party.

    Ramirez is disgusting with this stretch of the facts, and disgustedtaxpayer has come forth to prove just how disgusting she is.

    Having seen first hand the violence rhetoric, and injustices can bring together, Watts ’65 and other incidents, Ramirez seems blind to the fact he screams that very intolerance with this piece of garbage.

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    Cinci Steve  over 10 years ago

    Glad our prez did a great job of dividing the country even more with his race-baiting remarks yesterday…..

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    ConserveGov  over 10 years ago

    “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” ― Booker T. Washington

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    tmccambridge Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Horrible and biased. Please read the facts before you spew your hatred.

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    tmccambridge Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Crown Heights has no place in that cartoon, was a sad tragedy.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 10 years ago

    http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/01/mobs_lynchings_and_psychos.html-The Tuskagee Institute began in 1882 keeping statitistics on lynching in America….when about half the victims were white and half were black. White lynchings were down by 1910 and black lynching went to single digits by 1940. "Western culture has been rapidly reducing violence over the last millennium, in particular between 1400 and 1800……“Now we live in the disciplined society…..It was the Church that led the move away from violence, according to Charles Taylor, a liberal philosopher… (A Secular Age).-In a population of 330 Million, thank God for a decline in murder, which is morally and legally quite different than killing in self-defense or in war. I hope the American Blacks do not try to start a new lynching era with “Not Guilty” self-defense shooter Zimmerman, joining the Islamic Global Jihad of violence in the 21st century!

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    Harolynne Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Talk about race-baiting. Mr. Ramirez makes Al Sharpton look like a piker! Black men are still getting lynched in this country (over dating white women) http://nefermaathotep.tumblr.com/post/55873125526/another-black-male-youth-found-dead-this-is-the-story And Mr. Ramirez thinks this is “funny.” Not.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 10 years ago

    http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324448104578618681599902640.html-printed 5 pages landscape.Shelby Steele, author of the book WHITE GUILT, and senior fellow at Stanford U’s Hoover Institution, writes this article, “The Decline of the Civil-Rights Establishment”…..“black leaders (on TV) not so much outraged at a horrible injustice, as they were affronted by the disregard of their own authority.The jury effectively said to them, ‘You won’t call the tune here.We will work within the law.”-“The purpose of today’s civil-rights establishment is not to seek justice, but to seek power for blacks in American life based on the presumption that they are still, in a thousand subtle ways, victimized by white racism…..this is “poetic truth”….It bends the actual truth….to put forward a—-‘truth’ that serves one’s cause…"-“The jury, looking carefully at the evidence, decided that Zimmerman pulled the trigger in self-defense and not in a fury of racial hatred.”-“If there is anything good to be drawn….it is only the further revelation of the corruption and irrelevance of today’s civil-rights leadership.”-Amen, Dr. Steele.

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    d_legendary1  over 10 years ago

    What a stupid toon. Leave it to Ramirez to blame the dead bodies strung up by other people on the very tree they hang on.

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