Michael Ramirez for July 14, 2013

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    RoadRunner87123  almost 11 years ago

    Or, as CNN called him, a “self-proclaimed Hispanic.” Doesn’t matter that his mother was born in Peru. Funny that Obama isn’t a “self-proclaimed Black,” since his mother was white.

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    keeler_james  almost 11 years ago

    The USA, where murderers roam free.

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    UM5  almost 11 years ago

    The real travesty of justice n this case is that the “professional victim” clan is still at work against Mr Zimmerman.

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    UM5  almost 11 years ago

    Incidentally that this was an attempt at a lynching because of politics seems to be correct. the physical evidence seems to sum up the case nicely One person who had obviously been beaten shot another who did not show injuries of being in a fight, Moral don’t start beating up a guy with a gun.

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    Freedom From Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Any chance there is an nod to the theme of the Oxbow Incident by Mr. Ramirez?

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    lonecat  almost 11 years ago

    Part of me says: Considering how the law was written, the state didn’t have a very strong case, especially since there was not a lot of physical evidence one way or another. The principle that a person should be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt sets Zimmerman free, no matter what we may think about his moral responsibility.+Another part of me says: Let’s say the fight turned out with Zimmerman dead from a head injury and Martin alive. Martin should be covered by the same law that allowed Zimmerman to use deadly force to protect himself. How much do you believe that if Zimmerman had died (a) the police would not have laid charges, and (b) that Martin would have been found not guilty?

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I think Ramirez & the conservatives here would agree that if I kill an armed man who is following me, I should go free. Too bad Trayvon Martin wasn’t carrying, maybe he’d be alive. Of course, no one would believe his claims of self defense.

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    onceisenough  almost 11 years ago

    The double jeopardy issue is about to raise its ugly head. If it does, the results could be far reaching.

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    lonecat  almost 11 years ago

    Of course he enjoys the presumption of innocence, and my post makes that point. My overall question was, If the situation had been reverses, do we believe that Martin would have enjoyed the same presumption of innocence?

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    HAR! Ansonia: started to include him on my Payne comment to refer yours, but will state it here, so now RAMIREZ is a “race baiting liberal”????

    While the prosecutors may have created a problem by charging murder two, instead of manslaughter to begin with, thus leaving a misguided and lied to jury, not enough leeway, to reach a rational decision based on the evidence, the reality is that between “Stand Your Ground”, and this decision by the jury, in Florida, hunting season is again open.

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  11. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 11 years ago

    Zimmerman is being lynched? That’s funny.Travon is dead and Zimmerman is the victim.

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    swr: I have been “sucker punched”, from behind, when I turned by back to a bully and coward like Zimmerman. The difference was I’d just spent three months training nightly with the Koreans from the Tiger Division in the rather “new” art of Tae Kwon Do (only came about in the early 60’s actually). He was five inches taller, and 140 pounds heavier than me. I got five stitches over my eye, he spent four months in a coma, and another 16 in and out of the hospital for physical and rehabilitation therapies.

    Lessons I learned for future use in law enforcement: 1. NEVER think you can whip someone just because they’re smaller than you. 2.NEVER “assume” anything. and 3. You don’t need a gun, even if you ARE smaller, to defend yourself from a guy who doesn’t have a gun. (Well, IF you have 18 years of training in Judo, and additional years in other more “violent” applications of martial arts.)

    Zimmerman’s attorney’s fabricated almost his entire defense, lied about who started the confrontation (as noted by the calls to police), and Zimmerman constantly changed his story, and APPEARANCE to seem the “victim”. Note he shaved his goatee and grew his hair back out so he didn’t look like the trimmer “skinhead” he was at the time of the incident. Noted also the minor cuts (scratches actually) on the back of his head in what he KNEW was being taped in his interview with the cop, were covered with big knuckle bandages to make his “wounds” appear much more grievous than they actually were.

    I, btw, had great success in law enforcement in arresting people WITHOUT fights or “physical” confrontations (with three exceptions, that I ended quickly), because training meant using your head, and talking your way through confrontations instead of instigating a fight.

    GOOD cops aren’t “tough guys”, they’re SMART ones!

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  13. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    The State Attorney General rigged this trial to make sure Zimmerman ‘walked’. After 40 days of the Police, FBI, and D.A. saying “there is no crime” and national politicians saying “cover-up”, the State of Florida had to do something to satisfy both groups. So Corey charged Zimmerman with an unprovable crime. The people that played the ‘race card’ were happy with Second Degree Murder (hate). The local law enforcement smiled at the farce. Now, a Jury was going to make the final decision- Not Guilty (because it was impossible to convict beyond a reasonable doubt.).

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    ButWaitCallNow  almost 11 years ago

    The only thing wrong with this cartoon is Z should be sitting on a Democrat donkey instead of a horse.

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