Gary Varvel for July 12, 2013

  1. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  almost 11 years ago

    Gary – nice depth effect with the kids in the foreground..

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  2. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    The Economy has now split in half – Those without high school diplomas are experiencing unemployment at over 15%. Those with High school diplomas experieince unemployment at between 10% and 12% depending on the area. Those with Bachelors of Science degrees are seeing unemployment at less then 5% and those with Masters and PhDs are seeing unemployment at less then 2%.

    The writing was on the wall 20 years ago. It’s not enough to get a degree. You have to continue to invest in yourself through education, networking, and job skill development.

    Those that pursued the tough college paths in the 80s and 90s: Biology, Engineering, Chemistry, Science, Finance, Accounting, etc. Are still doing OK today. The History and English majors not so much and those that dropped out of highschool are really struggling.

    Stay in school kids and don’t shy away from the tough courses.

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  3. Missing large
    dannysixpack  almost 11 years ago

    Genome Project said, 37 minutes ago

    “So, suddenly, there are no more jobs for Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, or Accountants?

    My company has been hiring for over 2 years and still can’t find enough qualified candidates."we are in the same boat Genome. each job ad renders about 400 resumes. out of the 400 resumes, maybe 8 are qualified. of the 8 that Appear qualified, 3 pass the phone interview. of those three, usually all are liars, have a bad attitude, or are just looking to extend their unemployment.I blame the GOP for trashing the education system with creationism and ‘teach to the True/False test’ mentality.we are quickly becoming a third world country, and it’s because of the GOP/Religious dominated education system.

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    Brutatowski  almost 11 years ago

    You want to improve the economy and grow jobs, remove power from Washington, shelter the poor as well as everyone else from hidden taxes. Read about the fair tax. The only tax plan ever put forth that has millions of dollars of research behind it. If we don’t change the tax structure and get spending under control, get ready for an america where its more common to have multiple part time jobs instead of one full time.

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  5. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    I think Deerflatener makes very good points.

    Well said!!

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    Wraithkin  almost 11 years ago

    I would say there are two specific and central issues here. The first is qualifications: People expect a BS or BA is going to get them the rest of the way to where they are. I am living proof that you do not need a degree to do well; I have been working for the same company for 10 years with a HS Diploma, as have my wife. And combined we make nearly double the median wage for a family of 4 in our area. That being said, I have continued to utilize my GI bills, and have continued taking coursework. I’m about 3-4 semesters from a BS. My wife and I have continued ed requirements at our jobs. However, when you look at job listings, they say, “Bachelors or equivalent work experience.” The problem is a lot of people are having to work outside their wheelhouse and don’t have the experience in a new line of work to get hired. So they are stuck: They have experience in their area, but they don’t have a BS so they can’t get a job in a new area. And if their old area of expertise isn’t hiring, they’re screwed.The second issue is the unemployment extensions. Of those 400 applications that Danny’s business gets, I would say a good number of those likely are just fulfilling unemployment application requirements. My father posts job openings at his business, and it specifically states, “In (our city) only.” And has the question, “Are you willing to relocate?” They would live 2 hours south of us, and then indicate no to the willing to relocate. He posts the job at $9 an hour, and they have “expected salary” $15/hour. So yeah, they are only doing it to prove work application requirements for unemployment.If unemployment didn’t last for 3 years, like it currently does, and if SSDI wasn’t used as a secondary form of Unemployment, then we’d have people actually working in earnest to get jobs. I’m certain there are people out there who are having a hard go of it, and they are trying in earnest to get jobs and they can’t. But when you have this much fraud and abuse in the Unemployment and SSDI systems, my compassion for that situation is pretty small. If they felt the heat that after 8 weeks they were cut off, or even 12 (to round out 3 full months), sure as heck people would be working to get new jobs, even if they were 2-3 part time jobs just to put a roof over their head. I did it. So can everyone else.

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  7. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  almost 11 years ago

    “My company has been hiring for over 2 years and still can’t find enough qualified candidates.”

    Blame it on the propaganda machine – sorry, the school system, and the outrageous cost of higher education.

    Besides, it’s cheaper to hire immigrants. Their ideals haven’t been ground down by a system which no longer rewards anything but obscene wealth, so they are easier to exploit.

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  8. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  almost 11 years ago

    “That whole slide from a life’s work to part time jobs began with the Reagan admin.”

    Oh, sure – but don’t expect that to be recognized by the Partisans. Nothing bad has happened in this country until Obama got into office. The previous administrations were positively saintly. Including Reagan’s, of course.

    Reagan did accomplish a few good things, but I have never figured out why the couple of useful things so greatly outweighs the destruction that was wreaked by the deregulation he handed industry.

    This is rather like saying that an axe murderer should be let off scot free because he helped a little old lady cross the street a time or two. The good does not cancel out the bad, when the good is relatively trivial, and the bad has long term, negative results.

    Deregulation is rapidly destroying this country, and if we can’t put it right soon, we really will be as bad off or worse than those Third World countries.

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  9. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  almost 11 years ago

    “That’s because the libs that run the schools are incapable of turning out qualified people.”

    The GOP has done no better on the education front.

    The reality is that as long as we keep electing the nominees of the ‘two’ major parties, we are dead in the water. Both parties are working for the same goals, and they aren’t those of their constituents. The goals they pursue are the ones inherent in the Global Economy they are so enamoured of – but that global economy is dependent on the ignorance and powerlessness of the workforce. The economy they are aiming for won’t be great for anyone outside the power structure.

    We need to reform the nomination procedure, because as long as the major parties control it, we will get no representation.

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  10. Missing large
    oneoldhat  almost 11 years ago

    many here talk of a broken education system but have no solutions [note USA is number 1 in $ per kid spent k-12]

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  11. Cb1
    CasualBrowser  almost 11 years ago

    “Looking for a P/T job also,,, In today’s world having a second job is a wise move.”-Most, I believe, are doing it less out of wisdom, and more out of neccesity.

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  12. Cb1
    CasualBrowser  almost 11 years ago

    “girly-boys”??? Are you a characature?

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    My first job was part-time, at age 12, 57 years ago. It is NOT a new concept. I worked from that point on, including after the military when I went back to university, had to work, because G.I. Bill didn’t begin to pay all the cost of living, and school. AND THAT was when my state school tuition for a complete semester was less than my son currently pays for one UNIT per semester, and he’s carrying 15 units a semester! Yes, the refusal of taxpayers to pay taxes has made even state sponsored education far more expensive and that IS the result of Republican “politics”.

    But, since Reagan, the use of part time to replace full time to exempt companies from providing “benefits” has increased tremendously.

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  14. Missing large
    Wraithkin  almost 11 years ago

    Har har. Yes, I made a grammatical error. I have worked for the same company with a HS diploma. She works for the same company as I do, and she has a HS diploma. She was hired here 6 months ago.As to the median wage, we’re the only 2 working adults in our home, same as other household wages for a family of 4. I was comparing apples to apples.@ David: My father is many things, but independently wealthy is not one of them. $9/hour is starting wage, and they get merit increases based on their merit. But there is also a trade-off that is done: My father allows a very flexible workplace, has casual work, and the work is not college-level work. They are bookkeepers. They start at $9. The highest paid now is likely $13-14/hour. And in this area, it is a living wage. That’s what many people are missing. Cost of living in your location defines “living wage.” But in addition, his target employees aren’t people who are the sole breadwinners in the home. His target are spouses who are looking for supplemental income. Frequently, he hires Marine Corps Recruiters’ wives. He hires people in their upper years where retirement is close and they don’t need to work. That’s also a dynamic that you are failing to recognize. I’m not going to pay a teenager working at McFatty’s $12-13 an hour. That’s foolish. McFatty’s training cycle is … 3 days. If that. It’s very low-skill labor and designed to give you some work experience. When I first started at Hardee’s (Carl’s Junior, for you on the western half of the country), I was making $4.25/hour (minimum wage). I then quickly moved up over $5 and eventually to $6.25, and then I moved on to Sam’s Club at $7/hour. Granted, this was a good while ago, but my point is that I didn’t expect $10/hour there. The expectation that these teen kids are supposed to making a “living wage” is preposterous. They have no living expenses, thus they have no need for a living wage. If you are 28-50 and working at fast food making $9/hour, the issue isn’t the wage you are receiving.

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  15. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    Mike Row (of “Dirty Jobs”) was on Bill Maher tonight, talking about the millions of jobs going begging in America because folks aren’t willing to take them because they’re “menial”, like plumbers, machinists, etc, but also because with technology today, applicants can’t do the math to do the jobs!

    Basic jobs in “labor” today often require at least an AA degree or equivalent, but folks think a four year college degree is the only way to go.

    Which, after the Navy, my son had the chance to go for a PhD in physics, but instead is in a program that will give him an AA, with an opportunity to go for a B.S. if he so chooses, but he’s going to be doing what he loves, working with animals, instead of people. It also happens to have good job prospects.

    Like Mike, I’m a fan of people who can build, or fix the things that really keep the country going, but not enough people are either advised by schools, or interested themselves, in pursuing such careers.

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    oneoldhat  almost 11 years ago

    my cousin [a mechanic] has been offered 2 part time jobs at the same company

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    Wraithkin  almost 11 years ago

    My point is that they were applying for a job knowing they wouldn’t relocate, with no intention of relocating, and they were only doing it to put a check in the box. You’re right. No one would move for $9/hour. Yet there they were, applying. That’s what I’m saying the issue was.

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