Gary Varvel for July 08, 2013

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    Jason Allen  almost 11 years ago

    Al-obamas? You don’t actually believe the birther movement, do you?

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    lonecat  almost 11 years ago

    If this plan isn’t working (not that anyone knows, yet) then get to work and pass one that does work. Here’s my plan — you can have it for free. The Federal Government passes a short list of principles — everyone is covered, the various plans are portable from state to state, and such — and then it’s up to each state to work out its own system within those basic principles. One state might want Romneycare, another might want to try single payer, another might come up with another system, perhaps a mix of public and private. Over time we would find out which systems work best, and those would gradually be adopted more widely.

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    warjoski Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I don’t know about him, but yes it did bother me. Now please explain how that is any kind of valid defense for Obama doing it? Thanks.

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    Wraithkin  almost 11 years ago

    Can we please get past the petty name-calling and discuss the real issue of this ‘toon? Yeesh. Look at the toon. He delayed the implementation of this “train wreck” (aka the PPACA), specifically the employer mandate portion, is for purely political reasons. They don’t want this monstrosity’s adverse effects coming into play until after the mid-term elections. It has nothing to do with the ability of the businesses to adapt, it’s purely a political maneuver.But here’s one point that is problematic. Obama is breaking a law he himself signed into law. The language of the PPACA states these things will take effect, “The months following December 31st, 2013.” That means he is bypassing Congress and making his own rules. Why is no-one calling him on this, except conservatives? How are we supposed to have the individual mandate based on what employees are given by their employers if the employer mandate is delayed? He has created what is, in programming terms, a recursive loop. That’s my biggest issue. So liberals on the boards, riddle me this: Why aren’t you calling him out on breaking his own law? Why aren’t you calling him out for delaying the employer mandate, that is supposed to help the uninsured? Why is he being given a pass? C’mon guys, THINK!

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  5. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  almost 11 years ago

    “0bamacare was designed to collapse of it’s own bureaucratic weight. It was designed to fail so Democrats can enact their real dream of single-payer. That sounds so much better than “socialized medicine.”

    RomeyCare is what we have, what NO ONE wanted, except the GOP.

    Single payer care works – unless, of course you believe that the goverment is going to engage in ‘death panels’ – in fact, I’d rather trust the goverment than the insurance companies, who answer to no one but their stockholders. The government is supposed to answer to us.

    Remember that? You were in school much more recently than I was – maybe they aren’t bothering to tell kids that any more.

    I think you are exactly right about the outcome of implementing RomneyCare nationwide in 2014. But ask yourself this: if that happens, why is it Obama’s fault? If that is the way the employers behave, it is surely not anyone’s fault but the CEOs and the BODs.

    The fact that the previous five or six or more administrations have let corporate industry believe they are above the law doesn’t make that right. It doesn’t make it ‘good for the country’.

    Market driven capitalism is good for the country.

    Government subsidized monopolies are not market driven capitalism. RomneyCare is a gift by government to the insurance industries. It will be good for NO ONE except the insurers.

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  6. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  almost 11 years ago

    “The premise of the ACA is great, and noble – but it does NOTHING to reduce the cost of care for the citizenry.”

    Of course it doesn’t. Most of us knew that – we just have no voice in this government at all, any more than we have over the last few decades.

    The ACA is nothing but a gift to the insurance industry, no more, no less. You are right; it is a travesty.

    I don’t hear anyone touting its virtues, though – except the teabaggers who rammed it down our throats.

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  7. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  almost 11 years ago

    “GWB wrote more executive orders than Obama has, does that bother you? Did it then?”

    What bothers me is all these executive orders that Obama has supposedly signed.

    Which ones are they? Certainly GWB’s pen had an infinite ink supply …

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  8. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  almost 11 years ago

    “ACA is better at covering the uninsured, at lower cost, than the cruel spite being offered instead by many conservatives!”

    I hope you’re right, but it looks to me as if the same underserved group is still going to be … underserved.

    The system has never been a problem for those who are well off or well employed. Those who have had problems are those who are underemployed (the majority of our workers), and women with small children, veterans, the elderly … believe me, I’ve seen the schedules; it will NOT improve anything for any of those people.

    The ACA was a gift to the insurers, who don’t need it. They need to get corporate industry out of health care, period.

    As it is we have BigAg feeding the food refiners, who are poisoning us, thus delivering us handily to BigPharma.

    And the health insurers get ever richer.

    We need single payer health care. We have plenty of models to choose from; all the First World countries and several Third World ountries have functional health care programs.

    The fact is, we don’t want to ‘waste resources’ on the poor and disenfranchised. It’s that simple. Obscene profits are much more important than people.

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  9. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  almost 11 years ago

    “They haven’t figured it out yet! Nurf! nurf Dr C!”

    Not Dr. C, but very well said!

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  10. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  almost 11 years ago

    “I criticize the president plenty. But here you are AGAIN, he’s doing what you should like, and you’re all bent out of shape about it.”

    But, RV … you know that criticism doesn’t cut it. Only unrequited hatred is sufficient.

    Besides, criticism requires analytical thinking. We have a decided shortage in this country these daysl :-/

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    Wraithkin  almost 11 years ago

    But that’s what I’m saying. What he did is not legal. Once again, he’s controlling this country by executive fiat. The problem is BOTH groups of congressmen/women are negligent.Liberals don’t want to speak up, because they’ll be opposing Obama. Conservatives don’t want to speak up because they don’t want anything to do to support the PPACA. Both are addressing the symptoms, not the problem.For me it’s not about the ends, it’s about the means. I haven’t read anything specifically about Christie, but if he’s jerry-rigging the time of the election to give him a political advantage, shame on him as well. But in reality what he is doing is obeying the law. Obama can’t make the same claim.So what do I want you to do about it? Call him! Call your congressional leader, like conservatives call theirs. Send emails. Use Facebook. Whatever. Don’t just bleat “I support Obama.” I’m not picking on you, specifically, Vent. But I’m saying there are too many people on both sides who are content to just eat the crap that is fed to them. He doesn’t care about the 2016 presidential election; he isn’t going to be around for that; he doesn’t care. But he does care about the 2014 midterms, because that will either let him accomplish his goals, or will have the risk of overturning his stuff before his term is finished. 2014 will make or break his legacy. 2014 will make or break his ideological mission. If he loses both chambers in 2014, his Presidential Legacy will be garbage. That’s all he cares about. That’s why he pushed this back into 2015. Prove otherwise.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Give’em what they said they wanted? How dare you!!

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    Wraithkin  almost 11 years ago

    “You can say it’s not legal until you turn blue in the face, it doesn’t make it true.” Actually, you’re wrong. The wording of the PPACA is specific: “The amendments made by this section shall apply to months beginning after December 31, 2013.” So if he doesn’t agree with it, he still has to enforce it. And if you think it’s Unconstitutional, thus giving him the right to not enforce it, the SCOTUS would disagree with you. I have fact, not conjecture on my side. Your serve.“He killed Osama. No mid term election will bring Osama back.”He did not. Seal Team 6 did. Giving him credit for what they did is morally bankrupt. All he did was make the easy-to-make decision: Kill the World’s Most Wanted #1 guy.“He passed Health Care… Not the one I wanted the one you would have wanted if a Republican proposed it. But he got it done.”I would never have wanted any sort of broad-spectrum health insurance provided by the government. The PPACA or any other monstrosity similar to it is an abomination in my eyes and should be repealed and the real problems should be identified dealt with, instead of politicians pandering to their base.“Tesla is his. The car company is going to be here for as long as we use cars. The bailing out of GM/ Chrysler and de facto Ford is Obama’s.”Tesla is not his; that is something they created themselves. They are paying for their own infrastructure for charging stations. Ford is not, because they pulled themselves out. Chrylser and GM should have been allowed to tank because that’s how a free market works. The government, by doing that, cost the taxpayers billions of dollars, and screwed the shareholders of those two companies. It was a mistake, and I blame Bush just as much as I do Obama for starting that trend (Between the auto makers and the banks).“Getting us out of Afghanistan is Obama’s.”And how he did it was tactically stupid. Any idiot can pull troops out of a warzone. Doing it intelligently requires… well… intelligence. And many MANY of my brethren can’t stand him as the CIC. And for the record, I don’t listen to Rush, or really even read Fox News (I mostly look on there for tech/sci stuff, like This). I read a broad spectrum of news articles and come up with my own opinions. The fact that you seem to think your opinion is the only right one belies your mindset. I’m not wrong because I disagree with you. And I’m not wrong for forming my opinions. But just because you say it is so doesn’t make it true. As I linked at the beginning of my post, Obama is breaking the law, and violating the constitution. He has no grounds to pick and choose which parts of a law he enacts.

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    Wraithkin  almost 11 years ago

    First, your patronizing tone is not going to fly, and makes you appear a troll. I’m not a child, so go pound sand. If you lack some, I can send some in an envelope for you. You have yet to provide any evidence to support your opinions. I have. So I haven’t “lost again.” Try again.I’m not insinuating or implying that Obama doesn’t know about the Take Care Clause in Article 1. I’m saying that he is ignoring it. And no-one has the stones to call him on it, and when people like me do, he has his wall of sheeple to stand up and bleat that he didn’t do anything wrong. I call shenanigans."" I would never have wanted any sort of broad-spectrum…" STOP! First of all your anecdotal “I” means NOTHING in relation to the POTUS’ “Legacy”"When you make an ignorant comment like this: “He passed Health Care… Not the one I wanted the one you would have wanted if a Republican proposed it. But he got it done,” I’m going to respond in the first person, because that’s how you phrased it. If you were meaning the, “conservatives,” then you should have said, “conservatives,” not “you.” “Your fact set is wrong, your thought process is flawed. That is why your opinion is wrong, not because I say so or because I say mine is right”How is my fact set wrong? Don’t just say it, prove it. Otherwise, you are just spouting opinion. I not only quoted an independent source (Wiki), but also one of the liberal rags of our time (the NYTimes), proving that the president cannot just ignore laws because he feels like it. The rule of law is very specific. My process is spot on.Have a question, research, form hypothesis, experiment, analyze data, communicate. Sound familiar? Question: Did Obama violate the 1st Article, 5th clause? Gather research: Look for information pertaining to said article, said clause, and Obama’s actions. Form Hypothesis: He violated the Constitution. Conduct experiment: Look at historical context about this very action (see NYTimes article). Analyze data: Compare Obama actions and Clinton actions, evaluate if there are parallels (there are), and see if Obama violated the 5th Clause (he did). Communicate findings: Trying to inform your willfully blind self about how Obama is acting in opposition to the US Constitution and exceeding his Constitutional Authority.“That has been proved to be wrong. Not wrong because I said so, but wrong because of the facts.”What facts? Where’s your evidence? My point about him wrecking his legacy is that if he loses both chambers, badly enough, they may be able to overturn a Veto. If not in 2014, then maybe in 2016. And if that happens, his crown jewel (The PPACA) of his legacy will be broken. What you are failing to see, Vent, is that I am speaking observations, analyzed events, and keeping conjecture to a minimum. You claim to be well-read and researched, but you don’t back it up with anything. That just makes you sound like a pompous blowhard.

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