Michael Ramirez for May 02, 2013

  1. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  almost 11 years ago

    To the non-Americans who post here … Are your pundits and politicians clamoring for a military assault on Syria, or do you naturally figure that this is an “American” problem?


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    dannysixpack  almost 11 years ago

    onguard said, about 1 hour ago

    “Hey……Americans……Had a enough yet?yes, I did. and i’m much happier with a president who occaisionally misspeaks (bush almost always misspoke) but doesn’t misstep to the tune of 2 quagmire wars, the largest attack on civilian USA than any other in history, and a pretty thorough meltdown of the economic system.even though the GOP is screwing America to try to protect bush’s ‘legacy’, it will take a long long time to get over bush’s destruction of America.It’s amazing, but the GOP never got over Nixon. so they impeached Clinton to try to make it a Nixon equivalent – even though they KNEW they didn’t have the votes. That incredible distraction from some of our halcyon years set the stage for much of the awful stuff that’s happened.i’d rather have blow jobs in the oval office, a strong economy AND military (they are not mutually exclusive) and a strong diplomatic corps (so we don’t have to use the military) than what we have had since then.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 11 years ago

    Assad is the lesser of the 2 evils.He is the Iranian puppet.Iran is radical Jihadist-Taliban-Sharia Law since 1979.The Shah was the lesser of the 2 evils.Mubarek was the lesser of 2 evils in Egypt. Morsi is bred and brainwashed Muslim Brotherhood. His stronger evil ended the US bought-and-paid-for “peace” with Israel, and Morsi is presiding now over a persecution of Coptic Christians in a new genocide for the triumph of Allah’s Islamic Empire.-How can the Judeo-Christian USA stand by and watch genocides of Christians? (by Islamics that also threaten Israel and America)…-Today is the 62nd Annual Day of Prayer, and President Obama made a proclamation calling on Americans to “Reflect on the Sacredness of Life” and “pray for America”…(if only our leader truly believed in the sacredness of pre-born human life)The Heathen MSM made no mention of the 90-hour reading of the Bible at the US Capitol, begun 6pm Sunday and ending at 1pm Thursday, today, as foundation for National Day of Prayer. I found news articles on a Christian website, but not a word did I see at “the usual” news sites today.I pray for God to do miracles and enlighten our leaders who need to repent of working for the Devil’s agenda, and return to our Founding Christian-Biblical principles in all things: support foreign leaders who hold the Devil’s puppets at bay, support Israel from all its enemies, stop the “cleansing” of the Military which is now prepared to courtmartial “Christian evangelization” by chaplains or others in the service.Our leaders need to rely on the Bible as guideline for their duties.

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    dannysixpack  almost 11 years ago

    cwsprague said, 21 minutes ago


    “Yeah, what’s so bad about an unstable Mideast? Let’s hope we don’t find out. If we do, then we can say he didn’t “misspeak”, whatever that means. Clinton gave us the mess in the Mideast, and I guess Obama will finish the job the way things look now.”BWHAHAHAHAHA! you’re so funny!1. the Mideast has been unstable since the bible was written – that’s over 5500 years, in case you didn’t know.2. To blame Clinton, or any other American president for the ‘mess in the mideast’ is just plain funny. If you want to speak about the modern mess, the foundation for that comes from the west drawing ‘paper statelets’ (as Osama bin ladins fatwah refers to them) on the singular arab ummah and then the rest of the world observing it, while the arab nation does not.study a little (non-western) history to gain a perspective on what’s really going on.

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    dannysixpack  almost 11 years ago

    ^^disgusted taxpayer makes a case for the crusades.

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  6. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    None of our business, just like the second Iraq war.

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    PMcDonald1963  almost 11 years ago

    We would all be better off if we ignored the trolls (Ms. Ima, HOWGOZIT, Gore Bane, Brandon, etc.) … all they do is spew the same one-and-two-line bulsit on each page — rants that get under the skin of right-minded people … consider that either (1) none of them care any more than to hit-and-run like most who spray grafitti on any blank space, and don’t really care what anybody thinks, or (2) some right-wing/Tea Party sugah dadda pays them to spew this garbage, making them low-life freeloaders, just as they accuse everybody who actually employs actual thought processes before posting on the Internet.

    I would be VERY interested to see a DD214 proving more than three months of honorable service from any of these right-wing trolls … but I expect that could never happen …

    Just a couple of cents from a 20-year USMC (Ret) who earned a master’s degree in something other than a redneck agenda …

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 11 years ago

    dannysixpack said, about 4 hours ago^^disgusted taxpayer makes a case for the crusades.(end quote)-No, I make the case for Defense.Like President Jefferson had to do 1801-1805 to defend American shipping from Tripoli’s Islamic Pirates demanding “tribute”….the “tax” the Koran assesses against all infidels.-Europe had to re-capture nations from Islamic conquerersand Europe needs to resist and overcome the stealth crusades of Muslims moving in and taking over Western type governments to change to Shariah Law, the antithesis of freedom. The same movement is in process now in the USA, and our stupid PC attitude is enabling them to arrive, get citizenship, build mosques (the Saudi financed ones teach radical Jihadism) and infiltrate our government to work for legalizing Shariah. They will destroy our Democratic Republic form of Liberty, if Americans do not oppose this silent, slow takeover. Better to stop it by upholding our laws and making it clear to Muslim immigrants that if they don’e like our laws, they can leave.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 11 years ago

    @I Play One on TV….“Our national debt increases $4 Billion per day, and the best our respresentatives can do is spend five days reading the Bible?”-www.christianpost.com 4/29/13 excerpt relevant to the above Leap to the Absurd poster:“(24th Annual U.S.Capitol Bible Reading” co-director Pastor Michael Hall, “the scripture is read non-stop without commentary or comment …by 500 to 600 Volunteers from all walks of life…”(This is not Congress reading the Bible in public, Play One.For 24 years since 1990 at the same time as the annual National Day of Prayer begun by President Truman.)But I can think of no better activity for a member elected to represent the People in government, which Romans 13 makes clear that God instituted human government and that all leaders are “God’s ministers” to do God’s will as taught in the Bible principles underlying all our laws, In order to keep a peaceful and safe and secure nation.-the First Amendment (Bill of Rights) guarantees freedom of religious belief and practice and of public speech.I would “fire” any government official that denied those truths.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    Hmmm, Wayne La Pierre marking his line across the daily death toll to guns in the U.S., yep, we’re in real need of invading another country, instead of getting control of irrational death dealing here at home.

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