Nick Anderson for April 03, 2013

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    Don Winchester Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Rick Perry won’t take the money because the stipulation says that NEXT year and EVERY year after that, TEXAS has to come up with it’s own money after that. Every state that takes the federal money will be stuck like that if they accept the money. Hey guess what? Texas has a SURPLUS!!!

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  2. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 11 years ago

    Obamacare only makes it worse. Government healthcare (Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid) is looking to save money now by cutting payments to Doctors and hospitals. This means they will simply shift the burden to the private insurance plans that the rest of us use.

    Essentially, Obama is counting on the fact that we won’t notice this hidden tax on our health care premiums. He gets re-elected on his promise to continue to loot the industrious to heap his largess on the indolent. It’s amazing how creative the Federal government has gotten at reaching into our pockets.

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    ARodney  about 11 years ago

    You didn’t actually read the reports, did you. Some people’s insurance costs will double, others will be reduced substantially; and hundreds of thousands will get insurance who are currently risking their homes, betting that they’ll never get sick, because buying in the individual market is impossible. If you only report the bad news, you’re not being honest.

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  4. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  about 11 years ago

    Regardless of the system in place, health care costs will rise. One reason is our entitlement attitude: I don’t need to take care of my health if I don’t want to. I can drink pounds of sugar and never move a muscle, and no one can tell me differently. This directly affects demand; greater demand means greater cost.

    Another reason, as noted properly by ARodney above, is that there are a lot of people who need treatment who are delaying it because they cannot afford to treat properly. Once coverage becomes available, they will use it.

    Another reason is that we are getting older as a society. Most people have greater health needs as we get older.

    Another reason is the continuing development of new equipment and diagnostic instruments. These toys help a great deal, but they are very expensive, especially when new.

    Don’t forget how Big Pharma is allowed to charge Americans much more than it charges any other people for the same drugs.

    Another reason is that insurance companies, despite all the costs involved, will make a profit and pay stockholder dividends, and cannot offset these costs solely by reducing payments to doctors and hospitals. As long as we involve for-profit insurance companies, why are we surprised that they want more and more profit?

    Another reason is that our society loves guns, and people shoot each other for lots of understandable reasons every day.

    Obamacare won’t fix it, but it didn’t cause any of these things either.

    Until commercial for-profit insurance is removed from the picture, the picture will continue to get worse.

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  5. Swc1
    SaltWaterCroc  about 11 years ago

    Texas – no income tax, only really high property taxes. Why? Because those are used for hospital districts to pay for patients that Perry won’t pay for. But as long as he refuses money from the federal government in public, while accepting 40% of our budget in private, the T*baggers love him.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member about 11 years ago

    No, they want it dealt with the repeal of the 13th Amendment so we can use Eminent Domain to pull the unemployed back into an official, government sanctioned slavery program. It solves the unemployment problem, no need for health care nor government services.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  about 11 years ago

    the cartoon is incorrect….freedom in healthcare does not increase medical expenses.I was coerced into Medicare at age 65.I had paid private insurance premiums since the age of 16 and when my 65th birthday came, my private policy company dropped me and told me they ended my policy and no other company would take me…expecting all policy holders to go into Medicare at age 65.-I am now age 80 and under compensated care, and a supplemental private policy to cover the unpaid portion of Medicare’s approved bills, my co-pays and expenses have risen every year.

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    oneoldhat  about 11 years ago

    if state is smart they will not expand medicaid till congress passes $ for it [ all they passed is saying they will] to cut down on medicaid cost let dr don [death panel] berwick set it up pay for tratment based on who you are

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    disgustedtaxpayer  about 11 years ago

    the private insurance companies I had from age 16 to age 65 treated me fine, covering everything in my policy, with reasonable premium rates.-the reason my final insurance company “treated me like dirt” was that the Congress/Prez, federal government made it illegal for private insurance company coverage of anything covered by Medicare since 1965. It was illegal to continue covering me when I was Medicare-AGE set by dictators in D.C. The Government treated me like “dirt” and apparently believes we “seniors” are idiots, and totally dependent on Daddy Gov… usual, DrCanuck misinterprets American issues that conservatives and independent citizens are unhappy about….D.C. under the Liberals want no “independent self-providers”, they want Dependents who will vote for Santa Claus Democrat candidates.

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  10. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  about 11 years ago

    Excellent point. I say so because I’ve been saying the same thing for years, and if I say it, it must be so.

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  11. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 11 years ago

    @twhalen – I acknowledge that Republicans thought of it as well. But they didn’t vote for it. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Obama along with a strictly Democratic Cadre actually passed it into law.

    Anyone who is thinking comes up with a few bad ideas a day. There is no crime in that.

    The crime lies in going forward with those bad ideas and not recognizing the harm they will cause.

    Yes, the people who couldn’t afford health insurance will be better off but only because they are taking that money from those of us who were already insured.

    I know you all think that Obama is being a wonderful Robin Hood and taking from the Rich and giving to the poor. But the rich have lawyers and accountants. What he is really doing is stealing from those of us who learned to live within our means to distribute to those who didn’t. It’s the classic case of the grasshopper and the ant…Only this time the Grasshopper brings Obama and has him take the fruits of the ant’s labor because obviously the Ant doesn’t need all that he produced and the Grasshopper’s upbringing makes it hard for him to live within his means.

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  12. Cathy aack Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Funny none of the “experts” here mentions the Time Magazine article of March 3 which explains (30+ pages) why the cost of medical coverage in this country is so high. The article also explains how the costs would really go down substantially if the US was on a single-payer system like the rest of the industrialized world.

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    bgarner  almost 11 years ago

    America spends 18 percent of its GDP on health care, the highest percentage in the G8. If it had a system as efficient as the rest of the G8 (10.5%) it would not have a deficit and everyone would be covered.

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