Mike Lester for February 08, 2013

  1. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  about 11 years ago

    Da, Comrade. And pretending it’s legal and constitutional to drone-strike American citizens makes purging those unfriendly to the administration just that much easier, no? Welcome to USSA, comrades! What a country!

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    lonecat  about 11 years ago

    Yeah, when a lot of us back in the day said something similar to the cartoon, we were told to love our country or leave it. Remember that, Lester? Do you have no shame?

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 11 years ago

    Drones are just the most recent tool, for a very long-standing program. Interesting how blatantly OVERT methods, like wars, with tons of collateral damage as well, were just fine, when the chickenhawks ran the show.

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    genemascho  about 11 years ago

    how many sops are you willing to lose to get a tratior so you bleeding hearts can give him a trial maybe you want volunteer to go get him bet not

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    Mickey 13  about 11 years ago

    Changing sides? You mean like politicians that compete with who is best at talking out of both sides of their mouth? Yes, it’s a dizzying competition in Washington. I think it’s more like Obama just being Bush lite again… For their purposes they are giving new meaning to the “dumb and dumber” expression.

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