Rob Rogers for January 22, 2013

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    Cinci Steve  over 11 years ago

    Please do. Let those idiots take care of the military and collecting taxes to pay for it. That’s all, leave the rest to the states.

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    A friend told me their pastor and boss had given them information that has convinced my friend Mr. Obama is a terrorist wanting to bring down America. To what end Mr. Obama would want his daughters’ country weakened to such a degree was not explained.I am grateful to all of those in GC who have taught me how to communicate in such a way as to avoid the kind of argument my conversation with my friend might have incurred. With a deep sigh, a moment of silence with prayer for wisdom and presence of mind, I suggested we agree to disagree and moved on to another topic. I suggested we sit down with laptops soon and ‘prove’ our points, but was told that wouldn’t be possible as some of the sources were ‘classified’.I met their pastor at a wedding and he is also against mixed marriage, gays, and the construction of mosques. This will probably endear him to some here.Our legislators are creating a divide not seen since the Civil War. We are totally gridlocked, a fact celebrated under another of today’s posted cartoons by conservatives who feel gridlock is the only protection from Obama’s agenda.This is painful. Had Romney been elected I would have done what I did when Bush was president…. write letters, vote, and when all else failed, work for the Dems. That failed too, but I never considered taking my guns and joining a militia…tho that begs the question…are there any liberal militias?I blame both sides for dividing us, but I blame the R’s for being so much better at it, and so much more willing to do it. As TrustedMechanic said in another post, D’s are much more likely to vote with R’s than the reverse. The “Civil War” began over uncivil behavior. The behavior is certainly uncivil now.Respectfully,C.

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  3. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Tea Party platform is “Let’s take the word United of the phrase United States”!

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  4. Masked
    Rickapolis  over 11 years ago

    Wow, absolutely on target. The teabaggers are dangerous. All we can do is to educate everyone about their plan to end the greatness of America.

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    apfelzra Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Impeach Obama? On what grounds? What has he done that is unconstitutional, that previous presidents (including W) have also done that did not warrant impeachment? Perhaps you should back up your insistence with some specific evidence. The usual right-wing hysterical blather is not really grounds for a trial of the president.

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    apfelzra Premium Member over 11 years ago

    The tea party’s original raison d’etre was to protest excessive taxation, bank bailouts and federal government overreach. Not something I necessarily agree with, but these were valid issues to confront. Now, it’s morphed into a sizable lunatic fringe bent on shutting down the federal government (as though THAT would solve anything), fighting science and personal freedoms (including healthcare and womens’ rights), and occasional flagrant racism.

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  7. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 11 years ago

    From the Drudge Report:Rasmussen: Views of the Tea Party movement are at their lowest point ever, with voters for the first time evenly divided when asked to match the views of the average Tea Party member against those of the average member of Congress. Only eight percent (8%) now say they are members of the Tea Party, down from a high of 24% in April 2010 just after passage of the national health care law. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 30% of Likely U.S. Voters now have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party. Half (49%) of voters have an unfavorable view of the movement.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    Too much TEA, time for the nation to empty its bladder.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 11 years ago

    “We let the dumb masses dictate.”Who’s an elitist now? You really don’t like this country, do you?

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Our legislators are creating a divide not seen since the Civil War. We are totally gridlocked, a fact celebrated under another of today’s posted cartoons by conservatives who feel gridlock is the only protection from Obama’s agenda."It really isn’t just our legislators dividing us. Despite our dislike of Congress as a whole, most people re-elect their Representatives. The system of drawing districts is broken. We have a large number of people in Congress that represent districts that are overwhelmingly Republican or overwhelmingly Democrat. They worry about primary challenges far more than they worry about the general election. Every vote is predicated on the fear of angering the donor base.I think we need term limits, campaign finance reform & a non-partisan method of drawing districts.

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    dannysixpack  over 11 years ago


    obama has a tyranny going on here? absolute despotism?


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  12. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 11 years ago

    All that teabagger is missing is a coo-coo bird springing out of his hat.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Doc, I used to be upset when conservatives trotted out the ‘elitist’ label. I’d much rather have a President who I know is way smarter than me than a President who I could sit down & have a beer with.Politicians can put on a persona to make people think they’re an average joe, but anyone running for political office has a huge ego & thinks they know better than most. I don’t think anyone should run for Congress if they have a complete, “my way or the highway” attitude though. That pretty much describes the Tea Party.

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    markjoseph125  over 11 years ago

    Yes, that black skin of his is so unstatesmanlike…

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    dannysixpack  over 11 years ago

    @mikefiveyou quoted jefferson who also said:“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”the notion you put forward, as do so many of the right wingnutz, is that our government has somehow been usurped, which it certainly was under the previous bush.this plus the wild statements that obama is a communist/socialist/kenyan/goal is to destroy the country are quite all of these statements from the founders are fine in the context of tyranny and absolute despotism. Obama’s presidency doesn’t even come close to tyranny and would do all the wingnutz well to tone down the extreme exaggeration. obama’s presidency doesn’t warrant this kind of extreme reaction, from running out and buying ar15’s and big magazines, to claim that some of the lowest tax rates the country has ever seen are somehow ‘confiscatory’.

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    pam Miner  over 11 years ago

    why do the tea partiers hate this great nation? why do they seem to want women subjugated so?WHy do they want to ruin the mountains by blasting their tops off, Flood the rivers with polutants, and bring in the dirty tar oil, and run it over the Oglala aquifer which give clean drinking water to 5-7 states, by running leaky pipes, for oil to be exported, not for us at all, but sent to China? Allow to Create mutant grains and fish to eat? and fracture the rocks to get oil that cause earthquakes and fire-water?

    I don’t mind them having their guns, just keep them out of the wrong hands.

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  17. Doubledeagle
    kenscottx1  over 11 years ago

    IF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS OPPRESSIVE, then maybe some of it should be taken down. By this, I mean some of it should be changed to represent the wishes of the people instead of the personal views of the Federal judges and those forcing their liberal agenda on the populace.

    And, for the record, I am not a Tea Party member. I am not Republican, and I am absolutely not a Democrat. I am what I feel all voters should be – an Independent.

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    jerry6665  about 11 years ago

    boring comment from a closed, uninformed mind. read what he inherited and how he has moved us out of the chasm he was left to deal with. and, what are YOU doing to make things better instead of making political hits? building a home for someone, helping feed the hungry, tutoring in math and physics? huh? any of that?

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    jerry6665  about 11 years ago

    i live in a very upscale neighborhood – lowest price for a minimal house is listed as 1.1 million right now. this is the heart of the 1%. this is the home of bmw’s, mercedes’, fiskers, lamborghinis, ferraris and, for the poorer among us, the low cost corvettes.

    driving down the hill, i passed a new cadillac SUV with paper plates and the ‘Taxed Enough Already’ bumper sticker. the driver was a 18 yr-old kid who had been given this vehicle for graduation from high school.

    you wanna explain to me how, if taxes are so egregious to the stability of the ‘poor’ wealthy, how can they afford to live here and give their kids toys like that?and, yes, i live here, too, complete with ocean view but i do NOT begrudge paying taxes because it’s not the cost, it’s the bottom line. and, all of us benefit through the use of those taxes for the common good. if you understand economics at all, it’s how much you CLEAR, not how much you spend.

    and the last time i checked the Bible, it said that i was indeed my brother’s keeper and was expected to help those who were not as fortunate as i am.

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