Nick Anderson for January 08, 2013

  1. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    Education is the only defense from ignorance. For instance, it was not until the 12th century that early Christians began to accept the concept of Zero as a value, rather than a religious statement of “void” or nothingness, i.e.- No God.. It was Muslims that introduced Christian monks to zero, a concept first established in 300 BC in India and points east. Needing a better way to count money probably helped the concept along.I heard a person say the best way to bring third world nations into the modern world is to educate and empower the women. Nearly every day, we hear of rape being used as a weapon against women by men of every religious persuasion. In some cultures, for a woman to be raped and live is an insult to her husband who shuns her as if it were her fault she was attacked. And men leave their children and their wife, and find another woman with whom to start a family. But in communities where women are protected by local authorities and given a chance to better themselves, the women and their children thrive.Here, American men, in the name of God, continue to try and make it more difficult for women to compete in a man’s world by underpaying them, overworking them, and forcing them to bear and care for children even in the case of rape or incest. A recent ad campaign had billboards showing a sexy woman in lingerie and the words, “Life is Short, Get a Divorce.” Churches welcome the married and divorced alike, and too many American fathers have no qualms about never seeing their children again after a divorce, leaving the mother to try to rebuild her life while caring for sons and daughters alone. Malala is everything the religious fanatic fears. An educated female with the courage to speak her mind instead of being ‘respectfully silent". Her father has been offered a position in England and I hope they stay. The Taliban has already promised to kill any of the family that returns.Education, especially when it includes music, art, sports, et al, empowers people. It makes friends out of geeks and jocks and it enables young men and women to make better decisions.“When a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do…He finds the woman who knows what’s going on."I’ve seen that quote in action too many times and am grateful for the many strong female role models I had growing up. As Steppenwolf said in their song, For Ladies Only- "Half the world has been built upon their(women’s) tears.Gratefully,C.

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  2. Dgp 61
    DavidGBA  over 11 years ago

    The Salufi just want to go back to the good old days of Mohammed’s lifetime in the 7th century, almost before the dark ages.

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  3. Computerhead
    Spyderred  over 11 years ago

    Whatever Islam might once have been, it’s become a refuge for a bunch of flea-bitten misogynists to oppress women lest a woman show them for the uneducated, worthless persons they are. Exactly what this girl has done. She’s a heroine.

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  4. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Long term, it’s the new customers that the woman is indoctrinating into using your company. Short term, it’s the guy not leaving.Are you in business for the day-trading, or for the dividends?

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  5. Missing large
    Gary Williams Premium Member over 11 years ago

    The basic tenet of any religion is faith over facts. if one believes in faith one cannot believe in facts, it is as simple as that. All religions foster and promote ignorance that is the only way they can maintain control. Just keep ’em stupid and all is well in the world.

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    markjoseph125  over 11 years ago

    Or any other western sky-god religion (christianity, judaism, olympian religion). Zeus, Allah, and Jehovah (with or without a son) are one and the same (non-)entity, all male.Truly amazing reading: “Infidel” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman who left islam.

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  7. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  over 11 years ago

    How many employees over all?.

    How many men carried a baby to full-term and stayed on?.How many women did not become pregnant and quit?.Or, how about some real percentage?.Most companies hire someone that won’t need much training. They tend to hire experience.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    It’s also worth noting how many Christian fundamentalists, and some Jews, also want their women subjugated, and ignorant, or for that matter, all their kids. (They call it "home schooling.)

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  9. Calvin hobbes
    Noveltman  over 11 years ago

    Why exactly are Republican men afraid of women?

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  10. United federation
    corzak  over 11 years ago

    “When God was a Woman” . . . about 6000 years ago men started taking over and replaced the female gods with malegood book. On my shelf; haven’t read in awhile. But yes, post-Ice Age . . . numerous Neolithic female-managed fertility cults coinciding with spread of agriculture. Male hunters – unemployed since the extinction of Ice Age big game – promote ‘Sky Father’ and take up violent misogyny to reassert dominance.Echoes of this ‘conquest’ in many myths . . . Zeus’ many rapes of local fertility goddesses, Eve subordinated after taking fruit of tree of knowledge (agriculture), etc.

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    ninety_nine_percent  over 11 years ago

    Good ’toon! The same is true for the USA. GOP is able to get the extremists christians to vote for the radical wealthy who are against the middle class.

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  12. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    I understand, Bhinkle. And I wish I had an answer.I know women who wanted a career until they had a baby. Then the baby became their career. It is a conundrum. I know one man who quit his job after his wife had a baby because she made more money than him. I wish our system recognized the value a stay at home parent has for helping a child in school, with social probs, and just keeping the children from being stupid while bored.That said, four women have had babies at my wife’s office since last summer and none of the quit, despite other medical probs not associated with the wonders if your office might have been uncomfortable for the women, or if they felt they would not have a future for which sacrificing the chance to raise a child would not be worthwhile.I make no assumptions and only ask in order to illustrate nuances of the problem you present.People are fickle, and mothering isn’t for the weak of heart.Thank you for adding to the debate in a thoughtful tone.Respectfully,C.

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