Robert Ariail for December 16, 2012

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    ARodney  over 11 years ago

    Yes, the congress doing what the constitution REQUIRES it to do is now considered “theft” by the intellectual giants on the right side of the aisle here. How are you going to keep saying America is Number One if no one pays any taxes? You can always move to Pakistan, I suppose. Taxes are pretty low there, the military is well funded by a foreign country’s tax payers, and religion is encouraged in government; a conservative’s dream country.

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    sjdjr1951  over 11 years ago

    The Constitution does not REQUIRE Congress to tax the people, nor does it REQUIRE them to take a salary. By extracting Federal taxes from THE PEOPLE, Congress usurps the rights of local governments to tax their constituents, then offers the local government Federal money to make up for the inability of the locals to obtain enough money on their own to operate. Taxes should be LOCAL. For those who are so intent on the rich paying more taxes, why not institute a flat income tax across the board, no deductions, no matter how much you make, or how you make it. That way there is EQUALITY and everyone pays their FAIR SHARE.. When everyone is paying taxes, then everyone will understand there is a difference between running Government and buying votes. The tax structure in the Unites States is not designed to obtain money necessary to operate the Government. The design is to enable Social Engineering. Individual Congressmen (women) are not subject to retribution for their failure to act in the best interest of the Nation as a whole. The great majority are able to get themselves re-elected based on the amount of tax dollars obtained from someone else to bring back to their individual districts.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    Just caught a Fux “news” report on regulations, a Republican Congressman’s rant about “requirements” to disclose “plans” for regulations, and now the response from the idiot DeMintites (and dittoheads) proving they know absolutely nothing about the Constitution, laws, or regulatory authorities in the U.S.. In other words, TEA party total ignorance reigns on the right, and amazingly follows the idiot diatribes of the JBS coming out since the ’50’s.

    Right-wing mantra: “never let a fact influence your opinion”.

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    braindead Premium Member over 11 years ago

    This will be way better for DeMint. He will be able to report directly to the Koch Brothers, rather than going through an intermediary, as before.

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    sjdjr1951  over 11 years ago

    Removal of the deductions will thus increase the taxes collected. More taxes collected appears to be the main idea presented. The intent is that everyone pays their FAIR SHARE whether they want to or not. That LOCAL taxes cannot be increased due to the extent of FEDERAL taxes collected creates burdens on the LOCAL government. EQUALITY was important when this country was founded. FAIR SHARE seems to be important to those proposing increased taxes on a section of THE PEOPLE. EQUALITY should be a more reasonable belief.

    As an exercise, distribute every bit of wealth equally to every person. Everyone has the same amount. How long does it take for the money to become unevenly distributed and there is a group with no money? And who are the ones who end up with the wealth?

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    edward thomas Premium Member over 11 years ago

    So if the taxes are taken at gunpoint, you are then calling for gun restrictions?

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    Libertarian1  over 11 years ago

    “Way past time to take back the tax cut welfare for the 2% moocher class takers. The capital gains tax needs to go back to normal income tax rates.”

    Let me guess, none of this will effect you. Tax the other guy but not me. Great argument.

    BTW, you do realize if you win 100% of what you want you will be able to fund government for 9 days. What about the other 356 days? It is all for show and to convince the lower intellectual classes tax collecting is fair. Psychological.

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    edward thomas Premium Member over 11 years ago

    The 9 day argument is just a distraction.With all the “legal” loopholes the rich can find , and the off shore gimmicks, and corporations not ’paying" taxes, we can bring in more, then cut spending, especially our bloated defense budget.Once we work on getting more people employed, the debt will come down as we collect more taxes, a la Clinton. Of course that assumes we have jobs that pay enough to collect taxes from!

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    sjdjr1951  over 11 years ago


    The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

    This does not REQUIRE taxes nor does it indicate that “general Welfare” means every person has the same as everyone else. There is however a requirement that levies be uniform. Unfortunately the Sixteenth Amendment does not contain the same language.

    Given that you have been around for 83 years, you have to have seen a number of attempts to equalize wealth in this country with mixed success. I trust you worked hard and made arrangements for your own welfare despite the workings of the Federal Government.

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