Bound and Gagged by Dana Summers for January 01, 2013

  1. Black lion
    PICTO  over 11 years ago

    Why are they both at the same lawyer.

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  2. Snapshot10
    battle of plattsburgh  over 11 years ago

    post nuptial DIS-agreement.

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  3. Potatoheadworkingasfood
    DanReynolds  over 11 years ago

    Great example of how the world tries to use words to color life to match the hue of one’s own prejudice. Another example is “pro choice” when what they mean is “Pro murder” of helpless infants. What choice does the baby have? None.

    The first clue anyone needs to look at to discern whether an issue’s true meaning is being “massaged” is to examine their “talking points”. For example, “Pro-Life” is just what it says it is….for life. In reality, “Pro Choice” might fit perfectly, if it was being extended to both the mother AND the child as I think it is fair to say no person, would every be in favor of their mother killing them. One only needs to ask themselves that question. Would you, while still in your mother’s womb, wanted you mother to kill you?
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  4. Missing large
    Maddie505  over 11 years ago

    Wow, I read the comic strips for fun and for uncomplicated laughs. I see someone wants to turn this into a political forum on Pro-Life. Do us all a favor and go to the editorial pages to plead your case.

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  5. Image
    gosfreikempe  over 11 years ago

    Possibly not; that may be why he wants the divorce…

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  6. Potatoheadworkingasfood
    DanReynolds  over 11 years ago

    @ Jollyjack…“Political” issue? “political”? How removed our society has become. We can’t even recognized matters of life and death, moreover Life and Death.

    I brought it up because the cartoon above was using the example of euphemism. In this society euphemism leads to a culture of death.

    @Saskfan You said, "How many fetuses have you asked for their opinions? Would you have to ask a one year old? How about someone in a coma? How about someone who is asleep? You know life is anyone’s choice for themselves no matter how big, no matter how small.

    Jeff0811You said..".Just last week i heard James Stewart, in the movie It’s a wonderful Life say how much better things would be if he had never been born. "Yes, and if you watched the whole movie you know that THAT WAS NOT THE CASE – nothing would have been better if he had not been born. Still, that is not the point – it is not OURS to play God.You also said, " I happen to agree with you on this subject for me and my family, but am not qualified to make that same choice for others, nor would I presume to do so."You are more than qualified if you know the difference between right and wrong. Would you vote in office someone who wants to allow people to murder people on the street? Why stay silent on whether or not others should have the right to kill someone in what should be the safest place in the world – their mother’s womb?

    People who want to justify abortion by calling it something else, by reducing a human being to a mass of cells (aren’t we all a mass of cells), will do so. Ironically, if NASA scientists found the exact same number of “cells” existing (t the earliest point of a human conception) on another planet, they would not hesitate for one second to tell the world – WE FOUND LIFE! And everyone would agree, and people would rejoice at the discovery. Yet, bring those “cells” here, and give evidence of their existence, and our society of convenience says, it’s not life. This country’s hypocrisy points the finger of guilt on itself. No one else has to. The absence of truth is very obvious. Only those who deny it are in the dark about it.

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