Michael Ramirez for November 25, 2012

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    EMT  over 11 years ago

    um…you know, Lincoln was the first Republican president…right?

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  2. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  over 11 years ago

    Reagan oversaw a massive, unfunded expansion of federal government. He also raised taxes in his second term.

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  3. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 11 years ago

    It was almost “Let the private sector take care of the hurricane victims.”

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    Peabody-Martini  over 11 years ago

    Three words “Alzheimer’s in office”. Of course the far right loons are continuing to canonize this crumb who should have been removed from office.

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    Peabody-Martini  over 11 years ago

    Con Ed is a private company. Should have the Government done more before the storm, perhaps. But electrical utilities were deregulated causing many of the problems and delays you sight.

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    fredbevis  over 11 years ago

    Gimme. Gimme. Gimme. More tax cuts for the Rich.

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    Peabody-Martini  over 11 years ago

    A very notable full page ad run in a Dallas newspaper called for the arrest of JFK as a Communist ran the day he was killed. This is what conservatives really thought in 1963.

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    Marty Z  over 11 years ago

    How about people (like Romney) who earn $millions in capital gains that get taxed at 15%? Or oil companies that receive $billions in tax credits while earning 10s of $billions? Aren’t they part of the “gimme gimme” crowd?

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    Peabody-Martini  over 11 years ago

    Refuting a statement with facts is not an attack.

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    Mickey 13  over 11 years ago

    I may be beating a dead horse here, but oh well. What is interesting is how the positive achievements of a president or party gets ignored. Bush worked hard at eradicating malaria and other insect born diseases in Africa by providing sleeping nets for people. Laura Bush was active in the middle east educating people about breast cancer and especially fostering education for girls/women. Since Bush is so often maligned, this is just a positive example, I am not taking a position on this.My point is this: both political parties have been responsible for increasing government spending and growing the size of government since Teddy Roosevelt. I would be happy to post web sites to substantiate the data if necessary. Both parties have gotten us into wars, while at the same time both parties have provided us with security as a nation second to none. The problems we face today need to best thinking we can come up with, both economically and politically. This constant personal bashing I see here goes way beyond political argument, it gets mean spirited and personal. One would hope this divisiveness and partisan wrangling would lighten up after the election. Obviously not. The cable media is as revved up as ever spewing out their biased opinion and rancor. “We the people” are the ones that win or lose here. It would be nice if we could see the people insisting from their representatives (blue and red) for tangible compromise and solutions, not the continual bickering and political positioning. On these pages? I think if we just tried to present facts and substantial information here without the insults might be a good start…

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  11. Lizhead
    bztk  over 11 years ago

    He missed it..The CEOs and bankers were the ones screaming “gimme gimme gimme”, But then again he is pretty dense…

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    ninety_nine_percent  over 11 years ago

    One definition of Politics is: deciding who gets what. If you are rich in the USA in 2012, then you can get most of it. If you are poor, Michael says you sound like “gimme, gimme, gimme”

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    joe vignone  over 11 years ago

    All these presidents at least had enough tax revenue to pay the bills. Now that the rich run our democracy the poor will have to pay more while they pay a lot less.

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    Marty Z  over 11 years ago

    While Denis’ statement is accurate, it should be clarified. At the top 10% threshold, if you break it down into “single” filers and “married filing jointly”, “single” earns about $64,000 and “married filing jointly” earns about $191,000. The average for these 10%’ers is $154,000. Those “married filing jointly” with an income of $60,000 are in the bottom half- at the 63% point. (Actual data from the Tax Policy Center)

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  15. Lizhead
    bztk  over 11 years ago

    From CEOs and bankers it was "gimme lower taxes… gimme the right to build any pipeline I want…gimme the right to pay any wage I want…and gimme the power regulate my own bank…And Romney would have handed it to them on a platter…They insulted our intelligence so insulting them is fair playAnd as for earning money… Is their contribution worth 200-400 times their workers? The answer is NO, they are wealth accumulators not job creators

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    Marty Z  over 11 years ago
    Ima, and I ask this respectfully, how do you personally feel about Romney paying 13% – 14% in federal income taxes over the last few years? That is probably about half the rate you and I pay. It saved him about $2 million per year, and how many jobs do you think he created with that?

    Sure, it is his money, just like the taxes you and I pay are our money. But why should Romney and other wealthy people like him get to keep a greater percentage than we do?

    Many of them aren’t “job creators”, just rich guys taking advantage of legal loopholes so the rest of us have to pay more.

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  17. Snoopy8qj
    wronhewitt  over 11 years ago

    That’s true…but at that time, just as in our time, both parties had their radical fringe components. Those who thought JFK a communist were radical zealots and they did not speak for the Republican Party at large, although since the GOP nominated Barry Goldwater less than a year later, the line between radical right and conservative right did get somewhat blurred in those days…Many experts in this field agree with Gore Pane and Scott PM (both comments above) that while JFK may have been considered a “liberal” in the 1960 election climate, he would make a darn good Republican fifty years later, as he embraced sound fiscal and defense positions, and he knew that a tax cut was what the economy needed to generate jobs and prosperous expansion.JFK should never have gone to Dallas. There were enough valid warning signs to keep today’s POTUS in the White House private quarters…let alone just staying away from a city that was boiling over with hate and ultra right-wing vitriol. The Secret Service protection of JFK was not just lax and incompetent…it was non-existant. If the chance intersection of the life paths of JFK and LHO had not occurred as it did in Dealy Plaza on 11/22/1963 … our national history of the last half century would have been decidedly different…and (I tend to believe) vastly better.

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    Newshound41  over 11 years ago

    The NYC subway system- a government entity- was up and running at almost 100% within 10 days. There is only one line right now that is not at 100%. Those unionized workers went at it 24/7 to get the city running again. The pumps that were used to get the water out were provided by the Army Corp of Engineers. Once in a while, get your facts straight.


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  19. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 11 years ago


    Reagan lowered taxes and brought 30+ years of economic prosperity throughout the world.^^Bull! he set in motion the policies (Such as so-called free trade, deregulating banking institutions/Wall st) that CAUSED the economic melt-down, once his “Live for now” deficit policies, that, not surprisingly, came to roost, a generation later.

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    diane tabbott Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Has anyone noticed the date on Lincoln is three years after he died???

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  21. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  over 11 years ago

    Reagan raised taxes and brought 30+ years of economic disaster throughout the world.

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