Marg; I am wondering if there is a bit of double entendre in your comment, for we do remember that Hobbes is a bit sweet on Suzie.
wndrwrthg; I knew there was something familiar about you, bro…..LOL
Optimystic; welcome to our little niche of reality, your observations are most astute.
If I recall rightly, Bill Watterson ceased doing Calvin & Hobbes (15 years ago?) as a final protest against his syndicate bosses insistance that he “merchandise” the characters, i.e., allow them to be plastered on all kinds of marketable stuff….like tv commercials, t-shirts, cups, toys, etc. Bill coveted his characters too much to prostitute them that way and so he was forced to put a stop the legal machines that were hounding him by stopping any further contracted production on Calvin & Hobbs altogether.
I guess we can blame ‘greed’ for Calvin’s untimely demise.
Does he not hold the license to these characters? If not they would have been all over everything anyway. If he does have the licenses wouldn’t he be able to still create them while publishing them another place? Just wonderin’
Marg; I am wondering if there is a bit of double entendre in your comment, for we do remember that Hobbes is a bit sweet on Suzie.
No, none at all. Calvin doesn’t want Hobbes to waste his strength attacking Susie. As someone else said, Hobbes has a little crush on Susie, and would never harm a hair on her head.
i would hav loved owning a merchandise thats from C&H.. esp. a stuffed tiger like hobbes! and then see if he does turn real as soon as no one else is in sight! ;)
@ Ldywldkat: His insistence may have been great from an artistic standpoint, but people that want C&H merchandise generally find a way to get it, sadly…
margueritem almost 16 years ago
LOL! He doesn’t want Hobbes wasting his strength by taking on Suzie.
bmonk almost 16 years ago
Well, we all know that Calvin likes to make everyone’s day a little more surreal … like the time he answered a ringing phone and ordered a pizza.
attyush almost 16 years ago
Oh boy. Things are going to get real exciting. Ambulance Helicopter…
Vixen85 almost 16 years ago
Susie says:”Talking with you is sort of the conversational equivalent of an out-of-body experience.”
Susie hunny, it’s like that with all boys…you get used to it eventually.
wndrwrthg almost 16 years ago
Ohh Vixen, listening to a woman makes you feel like you had the brown acid.
Vixen85 almost 16 years ago
See what I mean!? LOL
flammable_feline almost 16 years ago
No need to worry Calvin, Hobbes would never attack a pretty girl like Susie…. unless it was a smooch attack!!!
Vixen85 almost 16 years ago
I can see the headlines: REMAKE OF SILENCE OF THE LAMBS -Starring Gweedo Murray as ‘Buffalo Bill’
lazygrazer almost 16 years ago
I love reliving my childhood thru a cartoon kid and his stuffed animal. Can harldy wait to see what I’m up to tomorrow!
rentier almost 16 years ago
Calvin doesn’t want to part his mostloved tiger with someone else.
BirishB almost 16 years ago
Susie really dodged a bullet this time!
Ldywldkat almost 16 years ago
Huh? Susie called Hobbes a “stuffed tiger”. How insulting!!!
JoeMerl almost 16 years ago
”Talking with you is sort of the conversational equivalent of an out-of-body experience.”
I’m not sure exactly what that line is supposed to MEAN, but it’s still funny. :-)
kilcurry almost 16 years ago
Looks like Hobbes is staying out of this
shasneha almost 16 years ago
Hellbo almost 16 years ago
“Stuffed tiger”??? There’s no respect in this world, after that insult Hobbes should “warm up” for the afternoon…
cleokaya almost 16 years ago
Let the adventure begin.
Optimystic almost 16 years ago
Long-time lurker, first-time poster :D
@ Doctortoon you are so right… @ Joemerl she means that speaking to Calvin is very surreal.
And Hobbes won’t attack Susie, he thinks she’s cute :) (Mr. Bun, on the other hand…)
fictionalcharacter102 almost 16 years ago
Oh, now I remember how this one turned out. Watterson was a genius.
Silverpearl almost 16 years ago
Descriptions of carnage? Watch the news!!
coffeeturtle almost 16 years ago
like was said… I can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow.
JonD17 almost 16 years ago
Marg; I am wondering if there is a bit of double entendre in your comment, for we do remember that Hobbes is a bit sweet on Suzie. wndrwrthg; I knew there was something familiar about you, bro…..LOL Optimystic; welcome to our little niche of reality, your observations are most astute.
MIKEBERKERY almost 16 years ago
tabbylynn almost 16 years ago
hobbes is bigger then calvin when he is in his stuffed animal form. wonder if he is heavy…
Wildmustang1262 almost 16 years ago
Hey! Light up! will ya? Just wait and see what the next strip will be like for tomorrow or next two days. See what it will happen. :-)
lazygrazer almost 16 years ago
@ Mikeberkery,
If I recall rightly, Bill Watterson ceased doing Calvin & Hobbes (15 years ago?) as a final protest against his syndicate bosses insistance that he “merchandise” the characters, i.e., allow them to be plastered on all kinds of marketable stuff….like tv commercials, t-shirts, cups, toys, etc. Bill coveted his characters too much to prostitute them that way and so he was forced to put a stop the legal machines that were hounding him by stopping any further contracted production on Calvin & Hobbs altogether.
I guess we can blame ‘greed’ for Calvin’s untimely demise.
bmonk almost 16 years ago
grazer says:
“I guess we can blame ‘greed’ for Calvin’s untimely demise.”
Yes, I respect Bill for his principles. If only there were some way to have new C&Hs with those principles against greed and artistic prostitution.
Ldywldkat almost 16 years ago
Does he not hold the license to these characters? If not they would have been all over everything anyway. If he does have the licenses wouldn’t he be able to still create them while publishing them another place? Just wonderin’
margueritem almost 16 years ago
JonD17 says:
Marg; I am wondering if there is a bit of double entendre in your comment, for we do remember that Hobbes is a bit sweet on Suzie.
No, none at all. Calvin doesn’t want Hobbes to waste his strength attacking Susie. As someone else said, Hobbes has a little crush on Susie, and would never harm a hair on her head.
R almost 16 years ago
oh no i hope moe doesnt kill hobbes
hugohobbes almost 16 years ago
‘talking with you is sort of the conversational equivalent of an out-of-body experience’
i’m in love with suzie
nyer73 almost 16 years ago
i would hav loved owning a merchandise thats from C&H.. esp. a stuffed tiger like hobbes! and then see if he does turn real as soon as no one else is in sight! ;)
FANOGARFIELD almost 16 years ago
Aawwwwwwwww… Calvin’s innocence is absolutely adorable!
Optimystic almost 16 years ago
@ Ldywldkat: His insistence may have been great from an artistic standpoint, but people that want C&H merchandise generally find a way to get it, sadly…
mdmontford over 14 years ago
Very funny! I love Calvin and Hobbes!