Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for January 14, 1986
Calvin: That dirty Susie Derkins. She'll be sorry if she tries to pass another note. Susie: Psst...Calvin. Pass this secret note to Jessica, okay? Calvin: Teacher! Susie's passing notes! Take this away and read it in front of the class! Miss Wormwood: "Dear Jessica, you konw what I hate about Calvin? He's a squealer! Signed, Susie." Calvin: I hope you know a good dentist, Susie...
Shadeslayer211 over 14 years ago
Her face doesn’t in panel three indicates that she didn’t plan it.. even though she did !
tjloch over 14 years ago
maybe she didn’t think he would do it so loudly… or maybe she was referring to something else
mrleaffan over 14 years ago
maybe she is just surprised it worked.
masterturtle over 14 years ago
@explanation of the prior comments
if calvin read i first he probably wouldnt have and if he squealed first the message wouldve coincidentally been known to him. either way the message will be viewed by the readers. the outcome that susie was surprised at was the latter.
susies thoughts- susie wanted calvin to read it and not squeal because she knows last thing calvin wants to do is give her what she wants, she did not expect calvin to squeal prior to reading the note.
this is not a fallacy. HAHA its so FUNNY!:D i like it when logic tickles my brain(s).
@mrleaffan- she is surprised it worked. @tjloch- she didnt think he would do it at all after reading it @shadeslayer- she did plan him reading it and not squealing.
are we reading the same comic people?o.0
ricpent over 14 years ago
Yeah kids, we are all reading the same comic. Brilliant, eh?
ricpent over 14 years ago
Oh yeah, one last thing. Calvin did not read the note! If you go back through panel by panel, the conclusion is unmistakable.
hobbsfriend over 14 years ago
ajr1814 about 14 years ago
not really “squealing” more “screaming”
bmonk almost 14 years ago
@masterturtle, maybe this is the logical paradox of the “Unexpected gift”
jjdemneits over 13 years ago
i like look on suzie’s face on panel three
JOJOHUN1211 about 13 years ago
Didn’t now what to do, so he squealed just like the rest of ’em.
yow4zip Premium Member over 12 years ago
That sure backfired on Calvin.
Starfollower777 about 12 years ago
He isn’t usually. Only with people he doesn’t like, which is most people.
PBS1! almost 5 years ago
I’m not sure why Susie looks surprised in panel 3, considering she obviously counted on this
Unicorn55 (Happy New Year 2022!) almost 4 years ago
I love Calvin and Susies face in the 3rd panel. Just hilarious.
Nate Wright (Mischief God) over 3 years ago
Oh the irony