Dang, kinda sad this one! Bit of a throwback to the edgier strips of days past!
Also hey Dee Dee, it’s been (checks notes) almost 4 months. Ever since Nate and Daphne got together. So many disappearing characters recently.
7\10, Sherman strips are usually okay. This was a very okay week, which is better than some of the recent mediocre arcs we got! The only strips that truly stood out to me as funny or interesting were this and the Daphne ones tho, so yeah…
Dang, kinda sad this one! Bit of a throwback to the edgier strips of days past!
Also hey Dee Dee, it’s been (checks notes) almost 4 months. Ever since Nate and Daphne got together. So many disappearing characters recently.
7\10, Sherman strips are usually okay. This was a very okay week, which is better than some of the recent mediocre arcs we got! The only strips that truly stood out to me as funny or interesting were this and the Daphne ones tho, so yeah…