OK, between Teddy’s line in the 3rd panel and the fact that they’re in a school building, that’s a little too soon after that school shooting two weeks ago. Of course, the timing is unintentional because it’s published 2 or 3 months after it’s drawn. Still slightly amusing though
Yeah, but the previous two things have to happen to die tragically young and still be named after a building. I swear, Nate’s self-absorbtion isn’t funny, because there’s not enough of it. Nate should get hit on the head and temporarily transform into 2000s Nate, that would make for a good arc.
Donate millions of dollars to your school, have the gym rebuilt, and call it the Nate Wright gym. Or donate a lot of money, they name it after someone else, and call it the “That’s not Wright” gym.
Ok, sorry, Sam, but I found some major flaws in your polls. Instead, I’m going to do a vote of the sixteen best singers/bands of all time. Different eras, different genres.(note, no rap/hip-hop) Everyone can agree on some of them. There will be 4 rock, 4 pop, 4 soul, and 4 other. If you don’t know any of these band names, listen to them. Do note that these are both in my opinion, and the worlds opinion. To make it easier, I’ll put up “stats” for the contests. Today, we will do the best genre; rock!
There was a Sunday strip a few years ago where “That’s the house” rolled out of Teddy like a mantra……perhaps Nate could strike up a deal with the owner (who said only “YOU!!” and abruptly slammed the door in Nate’s face)…..Nate definitely did SOMETHING there……….
m a little late for the GCA but this is my choice: Commenter of the year: Flowey the freaking flower Arc of the year: Cash Bar Troll of the year: BonkyBoi Comment of the year: DM8260 for https://www.gocomics.com/bignate/2022/06/01 Reviewer of the year: Sonic/Olivia Swan Infamous/ controversial of the year: IDK Fanfic of the year: Who cares PFP of the year: BonkyBoi: Comment Call Coolest of the year: Sonic the hedgehog, Flowey the freaking flower, BonkyBoi, Smug Nate, Typing Nate Razzie of the year:ME
Sorry for not giving you all an early review, my iPad was updating.
Hello guys, gals, and non-binary pals! This strip is really overused, but we all have to admit it’s still funny! Thank you for answering my question about Fox News! That’s actually really cool! I’ll give the strip a 6.5/10. I hope we are all having a great summer! Anyways, have a cheez doodly day!
I HATE “JUST SAYING”. It’s a cop-out for people who want to be able to dissociate themselves from something that ends up unpopular. What happened to integrity and standing up for what you believe?
Spring Fever Nate over 2 years ago
In that case, he’ll get a pic on a shirt, not a building.
5.5/10 not looking too great so far.
sacas over 2 years ago
I guess Teddy has a personality after all: an emo.
Alex 'Clutch' Carey over 2 years ago
Well…after a 3 year absence…
Here I am
Alex 'Clutch' Carey over 2 years ago
Big Nate Skit:
Panel 1: Teddy: Nate, I hear you got a girlfriend!Nate: Yeah, she and I hit it off!
Panel 2:Nate: We found out we liked each other, so I asked her out and now we are dating.
Panel 3:Teddy: That’s awesome! What’s her name, by the way?
Panel 4:Nate: Paige!Teddy: Paige?!
ND Cool Z over 2 years ago
OK, between Teddy’s line in the 3rd panel and the fact that they’re in a school building, that’s a little too soon after that school shooting two weeks ago. Of course, the timing is unintentional because it’s published 2 or 3 months after it’s drawn. Still slightly amusing though
Muntherdoesstuff over 2 years ago
next arc:nate tragically dies in a school shooting
Meme Dee Dee (king of the comic reviewers) over 2 years ago
Yeah, but the previous two things have to happen to die tragically young and still be named after a building. I swear, Nate’s self-absorbtion isn’t funny, because there’s not enough of it. Nate should get hit on the head and temporarily transform into 2000s Nate, that would make for a good arc.
3/10 Not a funny joke, didn’t laugh.
Jeff0811 over 2 years ago
Donate millions of dollars to your school, have the gym rebuilt, and call it the Nate Wright gym. Or donate a lot of money, they name it after someone else, and call it the “That’s not Wright” gym.
Tomato Dog over 2 years ago
I am a Rebel without a Cause
Ok, sorry, Sam, but I found some major flaws in your polls. Instead, I’m going to do a vote of the sixteen best singers/bands of all time. Different eras, different genres.(note, no rap/hip-hop) Everyone can agree on some of them. There will be 4 rock, 4 pop, 4 soul, and 4 other. If you don’t know any of these band names, listen to them. Do note that these are both in my opinion, and the worlds opinion. To make it easier, I’ll put up “stats” for the contests. Today, we will do the best genre; rock!
Tomato Dog over 2 years ago
Led Zeppelin vs. Queen
Records: Led Zepplin 142.2 to Queens 170.5
Better singer: Freddie Mercury
Better rest of band: Tie leans towards Led
Best Albums (try out): Led Zeppelin: Led Zeppelin 2 Queen: Sheer Heart Attack
Time of popularity: Led: 1970-1980 Queen: 1975-1992
Tomato Dog over 2 years ago
Wild-Card Round (for the to go against the Beatles)
Guns and Roses vs. Rolling Stones
(No advice, make the decision on your own)
Hysterical Nate over 2 years ago
Teddy, Teddy, Teddy. Always Optimistic.Script Rating: 8.5/10
Mountain Meg over 2 years ago
They’d probably name a bigger building after Artur.
mfrasca over 2 years ago
Donate a huge sum of money.
ImDaRealAni over 2 years ago
That would probably just get you a honorary bench or tree outside the school in your memory.
NotGreenParrot over 2 years ago
6/10 unspicy >:c
30 entire years ago, with one of the first monopoly comics… In June. https://www.gocomics.com/bignate/1992/06/07
raybarb44 over 2 years ago
You asked….
♞нυитєявσу_z♘ over 2 years ago
Or even worse, a school is named after him
Johnny Appleseed over 2 years ago
I mean… he’s not wrong
Mono_Matt_36 over 2 years ago
create a new world record. that’ll do it
Clarence over 2 years ago
Dying at a young age is not worth it
Garfield's mum over 2 years ago
This is prehaps the most unique arc-starter i’ve seen in a while…. maybe i’ll tune in this time around.
PinkYoshiFan over 2 years ago
Nate already has a comic strip named after him
Annabeth Chase over 2 years ago
Hi guys, I’m new.
Annabeth Chase over 2 years ago
Toma&co is lucky. Where I live, we go to school until the end of June.
Heisei Godzilla eating noodles over 2 years ago
that is very reassuring teddy
Akidthatmightgotoyourschoooooool over 2 years ago
What have I missed
Goat from PBS over 2 years ago
Perhaps start a new country. That seems to be a biggie.
DevilDog2001 Premium Member over 2 years ago
DANG, Teddy!
P.S. You can also buy a building, but I doubt Nate has the funds.
Tomato Dog over 2 years ago
Just giving a Fox News reminder (that we are still exclusive)
Tomato Dog over 2 years ago
Breaking News! Toma+co changes (is it he or she) profile picture? Why? Is there a hidden meaning? Live, from Fox News
orbenjawell Premium Member over 2 years ago
There was a Sunday strip a few years ago where “That’s the house” rolled out of Teddy like a mantra……perhaps Nate could strike up a deal with the owner (who said only “YOU!!” and abruptly slammed the door in Nate’s face)…..Nate definitely did SOMETHING there……….
anonymooseandsquirrel Premium Member over 2 years ago
I just love this strip! Nate is such a precocious little whippersnapper. This comic is the bees knees!
Tomato Dog over 2 years ago
clyker over 2 years ago
olivias still here lmao
BionicLMAO i have free account over 2 years ago
m a little late for the GCA but this is my choice: Commenter of the year: Flowey the freaking flower Arc of the year: Cash Bar Troll of the year: BonkyBoi Comment of the year: DM8260 for https://www.gocomics.com/bignate/2022/06/01 Reviewer of the year: Sonic/Olivia Swan Infamous/ controversial of the year: IDK Fanfic of the year: Who cares PFP of the year: BonkyBoi: Comment Call Coolest of the year: Sonic the hedgehog, Flowey the freaking flower, BonkyBoi, Smug Nate, Typing Nate Razzie of the year:ME
Cartoon over 2 years ago
came back to a arc of nates massive ego, very nice
Sun Flurrie (Comic Reviewer) over 2 years ago
Sorry for not giving you all an early review, my iPad was updating.
Hello guys, gals, and non-binary pals! This strip is really overused, but we all have to admit it’s still funny! Thank you for answering my question about Fox News! That’s actually really cool! I’ll give the strip a 6.5/10. I hope we are all having a great summer! Anyways, have a cheez doodly day!
Annabeth Chase over 2 years ago
Poll: What’s your favourite comic?
aussie399 Premium Member about 2 years ago
I HATE “JUST SAYING”. It’s a cop-out for people who want to be able to dissociate themselves from something that ends up unpopular. What happened to integrity and standing up for what you believe?