Clay Bennett for December 02, 2011

  1. Joe
    joenkat1  over 12 years ago

    Not true.

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    Norton99  over 12 years ago

    Actually, it’s not true. If Lincoln were alive, he would be a Democrat.

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    cainmustwin  over 12 years ago

    Does this point out how Bill and Hillary believe that marriage is sacred, vows are not to be broken and that divorce isn’t an option…. bwhahhahhahahhaaa

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    comsymp  over 12 years ago

    Like many stories, some aspects of this lore are true, while others are not.

    Gingrich may not have actually served his first wife with divorce papers on her deathbed, but he did discuss their impending divorce (and argued about it) with Jackie Battley while she was in the hospital recovering from surgery to remove a tumor, is all basically true.

    So, I suppose Newt would be a merely a cad, instead of a DESPICABLE cad.

    The fact aside, this cartoon is only using that lore as an analogy about how Newt seems to be jilting historic Republican philosophy for the more radical brand of Tea Party conservatism. So, I think Bennett’s use of the more dramatic version would fall under artistic license.

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    Carolo1  over 12 years ago

    So funny

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    eepatt  over 12 years ago

    @narrowminded: He WAS caught with an intern under his desk and he continued his affair with her while he was married to wife #2 even while he was impeaching Bill Clinton for his escapades. So Newt married his intern. Do you think that makes him less despicable?

    Two more thoughts for you, narrowminded one: How has the Democratic Party behaved towards Mr. Edwards after discovering his affair? HINT: They ain’t considering him for president or even dogcatcher. And last, when Newt lost his position as Speaker of the House, how long did his republican successor last, and why was Larry Flynt (Yes, the pornographer) able to get him fired?

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  7. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 12 years ago

    Both parties switched identities back in the 60’s.The party of Lincoln took in the racist Dixiecrats and thefair minded Republicans became Democrats.

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  8. Mr natural
    wunderfella  over 12 years ago

    @pirate227 Aye, matey! Aaahhhrrrrrr.

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  9. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  over 12 years ago

    “Conservative”? NOT. Try Regressive as in Robert Reich’s latest post; Social Darwinism is alive and sadly, well, though most Americans rejected it a hundred years ago, having seen the ugly results in the ‘Gilded Age’ of the 1890’s.If we get another of this pack of wolves in the White House, or more in Congress and the courts, you’re going to have to go find a history book (not gutted by Texas) to find out just how bad it will be…

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  10. Hammy
    pnorman1  over 12 years ago

    Okay let’s take your comments one at a time. Edwards is a dirtbag. This is widely known, has been publicized in so many news venues that only a hermit who has been in a cave for 20 years would not cross the street to avoid him if he saw Edwards coming. His career in politics is over. He may be able to get a talking head position on some minor cable outfit in 10 or 12 years but not before.Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice. He was not convicted but the negative stain on his administration is there. So saying they got “passes” on their cheating is not true. Now if Newt will agree to disappear from public life and go back to selling his soul to Lobbyists, we’ll quit bringing up his multiple serial adulteries.

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  11. Kitteh trying to get butterfly
    wholescot Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I don’t like cheaters, however, none but the participants in all these scandals know the whole story. Doesn’t excuse their behavior in the least though but I sure am not throwing the first stone.

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    There ain’t a bag big enough to hold Newt’s scum. He’s about as much a “lincoln figure” as Fagan was an “educator” of honest boys.

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  13. Img102
    Rymlianin  over 12 years ago

    The Republican defenders of Newtie should look at what Democrats think about their philandering scumbags, Clinton and Edwards. They wish the two of them were dead.

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  14. New 7
    JaneD Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Another excellent commentary, Mr. Bennet!

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    ARodney  over 12 years ago

    So, Howie, whether adultery is moral or not depends entirely on whether they get pregnant? You are one sick puppy. It’s time for those who claim to vote for “morals” to admit that Obama is their candidate, not these adulterous, law-breaking, fine-paying sleazeballs.

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  16. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 12 years ago

    Thanks, Tigger. No one would elect John Edwards president for his behavior. We will treat Newt Gingrich the same way.

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  17. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 12 years ago

    ^If you’re talking about perversions you’re absolutely wrong there pops.

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