Mike Lester for February 21, 2017

  1. Blogpic5
    jorgen Premium Member about 7 years ago

    True, what we ;earned from the Clinton and Obama years: Democrats unfortunately don’t care about legality..

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  2. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  about 7 years ago

    Tell that to visa and green card holders who weren’t allowed into the country after Trump signed his EO.

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  3. Tj
    • Thomas  about 7 years ago

    Republicans = Rule of Law

    The legal and historical record is clear. Republican government officials commit more crimes (particularly under Reagan and Bush 43), more often than any other demographic group extant, including the hard working peasants who pick our fruit, tend our lawns and children or the persecuted refugees, such as Einstein, that we allow to trickle in.

    from thousands- here are a few examples:

    President Bush 43 fired, without explanation, eleven Republican federal prosecutors whom he himself had appointed. They were fired for prosecuting Republicans and not prosecuting Democrats. Senior DOJ officials cited executive privilege, refused to testify under oath, and resigned:

    Alberto Gonzales Attorney General of the United States.

    Karl Rove, senior advisor to President Bush 43

    Harriet Miers Legal Counsel to President Bush 43, was found in Contempt of Congress.

    Michael A. Battle Director of Executive Office of US Attorneys in the Justice Department.

    Bradley Schlozman Director of Executive Office of US Attorneys who replaced Battle.

    Michael Elston Chief of Staff to Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty

    Paul McNulty Deputy AG to William Mercer

    William W. Mercer Associate AG to Alberto Gonzales

    Kyle Sampson Chief of Staff to AG Alberto Gonzales

    Monica Goodling Liaison between President Bush 43 and the DOJ.

    Joshua Bolten Deputy Chief of Staff to President Bush was found in Contempt of Congress.

    Sara M. Taylor aide to presidential advisor Karl Rove.

    During the investigation it was discovered that the Bush 43 administration used RNC web servers for 5 million e-mails which were then destroyed, lost or deleted in violation of the Presidential Records Act and the Hatch Act. Bush 43, Dick Cheney and Karl Rove all used RNC webservers for the majority of their emails. Of 88 officials investigated, 51 showed no emails at all.

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  4. Tj
    • Thomas  about 7 years ago

    Republicans = Rule of Law

    particularly unlawful and notorious examples:

    Philip Cooney, Bush 43 appointee to chair the Council on Environmental Quality, was editing government climate reports to discredit global warming science. Cooney announced his resignation and conceded his role in altering reports.

    Jack Abramoff, with close lifelong ties to Republican administration officials and legislators, offered bribes as part of his lobbying efforts. Abramoff was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

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  5. Minifig2
    Aliquid  about 7 years ago

    Funny… Lady # 2 (an Lester) is totally missing the “point” that the sign holder is making. And LOTS of people are arguing that point.

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  6. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Before 1900 there were no laws to restrict immigration, as long as you weren’t from China. What kind of vetting do you conservatives think went on at Ellis Island & other points of arrival back then? In the 1920s, quotas were put in place to favor Western Europeans over Eastern & Southern Europeans. At the time, people like Lester wanted to keep out Catholics because they were likely to put the Pope ahead of the President. They wanted to keep out the Jews from Central & Eastern Europe because anarchists & communists might be among them.

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  7. Frank
    Frankfreak  about 7 years ago

    S18, would that be like these guys.

    www.huffingtonpost.com/…/hunter-shooting-texas-border_us_58aa7eeae4b037d17d…1 day ago – Two men who were shot in Texas last month and had blamed immigrants crossing the border with Mexico were actually shot by members of their own hunting party, according to an indictment issued last week. Walker Daugherty and Edwin Roberts were wounded in the incident on January 6, The Associated Press reported.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 7 years ago

    My maternal grandfather was full Cherokee, grandmother was 1/2 Cherokee. My wife’s maternal grandmother was also full Cherokee. We’re pretty loade up with “immigrants” that trace back a few thousand years before Columbus and Vesupuci arrived in the “new” world that was quite old actually. Interesting that Trump’s mom was an immigrant, come have said she came “illegally”, but that’s not relevant, as Donnie Dumpster isn’t a “Dreamer”, more a nightmare.

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  9. L
    ahab  about 7 years ago

    This is just phase #1 to get prayer back in schools. They’ll point out the vast hoards of liberals have been seen praying just about everywhere since Trump was elected.

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  10. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 7 years ago

    Then why are legal immigrants being stopped at the border and detained? This toon is not very accurate.

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  11. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 7 years ago

    If so-called ‘conservatives’ really wanted fewer illegal immigrants, they would demand that businesses and individuals who hire them be prosecuted.

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    NRHAWK Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Pretty obvious that Mike Lester drank way too much of the Kool aid. While a great many right wing cartoonists are seeing the light and no longer defending the Liar-Elect, Mike has chosen to ignore the disturbing facts of a failed administration. Sad

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