Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for March 01, 2017

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 7 years ago


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    Lyons Group, Inc.  about 7 years ago

    We know what place they’ll go to when their time is up here on earth.

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    texasbob  about 7 years ago

    Baldo I am sorry you have to hear and endure such speech. I just turned 60 and had thought we had left such nonsense behind in the 1960’s. Sadly it seems racism has reared its ugly head again spurred on by current political climate. Believe this Baldo, not everyone thinks like that person, there are those of us who truly believe in the greatness of America, an America where all are welcome to achieve their dreams and help their families.

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  4. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Evidently that’s not Southern California, or any part of Texas. Either that, or some guy just snapped and decided to spend the day mouthing off at a few million Hispanics.

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    TossedSaladCartoon  about 7 years ago

    You never see Choctaw, Navajo, Cherokee or any other tribes doing this!

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    Alan Metz Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Best comic I’ve read this week….best response to that comment, ever! Thanks guys!

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    WestNYC Premium Member about 7 years ago

    When the USA was founded, Latinos were already in California and the entire southwest. Decades later is when the white people invaded (illegally) and stole the southwestern US from Mexico.

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    Cameron1988 Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Wow. Unfortunately that does happen to Mexicans, Latinos, and Muslims. They’re human beings just like the rest of us

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    Egjen Skis Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Thank you Baldo !!! Peace

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    CeeJay  about 7 years ago

    And there you have it. So simple.

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    Linguist  about 7 years ago

    We’ve come a long way in understanding each other.

    I can only imagine what my grandmother ( my father’s mother ) who was Hinono’eino ( Arapaho ) went through when she and her sister were transplanted from Colorado to New England… Or what my mother and her parents went through, as Northern Irish Catholic immigrants

    I saw what happened to my father because he stood up to the FBI during the McCarthy era when he was told his young son (me) was associating with known communist’s children ( a Jewish family and their friend Paul Robeson Jr’s kids).

    I am a gringo living in Ecuador, married to an Ecuatoriana. I know what it’s like to be an extranjero !

    I does seem to me that the many people in the United States are being led backwards into the dark days of the 19th and 20th Century.

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    William Taylor  about 7 years ago

    I’m 68 and grew up in a totally lily white environment, both at home and school. Words like s_ic, Polock, chink and the “N” word were a fact of life, for everybody, young and old. NOW, of course, the wrongness of that is obvious, but the fact that it was so strongly embedded in me back when makes it impossible for me to be horrified by the words, now. I’m also not alone in this, as much as some latter-day liberal thinkers spout off about it. With luck, as old timers like me pass away, given time, the situation should get better. The kids today seem pretty solid on this issue.

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    mike75035  about 7 years ago

    That’s right, Baldo, you ARE.

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    chain gang charlie  about 7 years ago

    The part of me that is native American says I am from here. the part of me that is from northern Europe, says I earned my right to be here,… the part of me from theMediterranean, says lets have a glass of wine and talk this over..The whole of me who marched on bleeding feet in boot camp and served in ’NAM…( I volunteered)and who votes in every election….Say ’sBuzz off Ya bleedin twit……

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    LynnWoolley  about 7 years ago

    I just don’t see Americans acting this way to Hispanics. “Baldo” is usually a warm and friendly strip. Today’s was an insult to most Americans who perceive Hispanic citizens as citizens.

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    fanciladi Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Personally, I do not appreciate ‘political’ stuff in my comics on the comic page of my paper. We have enough of that in the rest of the paper. Too many are stooping to add this type of subject to their comic creations.

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    David_J Premium Member about 7 years ago

    And for all these years I thought we as a nation were better than that. Then Obama was elected and I saw ugly in a whole new way. Thanks for bringing this into the strip, it’s long overdue.

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  18. Garfield
    Mr. Funny Guy  about 7 years ago

    Nice that Baldo blew that comment away.

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