Michael Ramirez for March 30, 2014

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    tengu99  about 10 years ago

    I fail to see how Noah and the Ark are in any way relateable to a company that seems to be only interested in Christian values when it does not impact the bottom line.

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    lonecat  about 10 years ago

    It’s all because of The Great Regulator in the Sky.

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    caved1ver  about 10 years ago

    Why is this site over populated with “Bush Derangement Syndrome” sufferers? Is it the epidemic of public school days?

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    caved1ver  about 10 years ago

    Why is this site over populated with “Bush Derangement Syndrome” sufferers? Is it the epidemic of public school days?

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    mwlyons1955 Premium Member about 10 years ago

    If Noah built the Ark today, we would all drown first.

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    kline0800  about 10 years ago

    I realize my post will be just one more “shouting to the Wind of Mockers and Scoffers”….but I try to love those that God loves….ALL people….so if only one poster cares about Truth, please take the trouble to read Genesis chapters 6 and 7 to see the actual account given to the writer by God Himself.-Then consider the content of the movie “Noah” and see how the Bible account has been totally perverted and is false.-http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/noah-movie/detailed-review-This url has a printout study that printed 9 pages….detailed and careful, by Bible scholars who saw the movie.-Even ordinary professors of Christianity or Judaism who read scriptures can know of the blatant errors (deliberate errors to film propaganda). --“Christians” who pay to see the movie and then praise it, are not doing their duty to try to keep their profession of faith stainless in God’s eyes. IMO.-In 2014, there are much better movies dealing with the subject of God to pay to see…..God is Not Dead, and The Son of God.-Jesus would say, Peace to you but go your way and stop sinning against God’s Holy Word.

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    SKJAM! Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Given that the Ark, if built in the shape and dimensions listed in most translations would have snapped and sunk rather than been seaworthy, it might not have been approved by current regulations. And while birth control for the animals might not have been required, there would be some serious looks at the proposed living conditions..Fortunately for the story of Noah, everyone else on Earth thought only of violence and evil, so had no time for enforcing regulations.

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    nz4m60  about 10 years ago

    Sad, lame and just plain stupid. Offensive to women too now that I think of it

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    kline0800  about 10 years ago

    @SKJAM….see http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/university-of-leicester-physics-students-says-noahs-ark-would-have-floated-with-two-each-of-35000-species-of-animal/story-fn5fsgyc-1226874097164-Scientifically, the Ark was capable of floating for the year the flood waters were on earth.-Jesus Himself verified Noah and the Flood….Matthew 24: verses 36-39.-God created the Rainbow as a sign that never again would earth be flooded. Peter wrote in the New Testament that the 2nd time God cleanses earth will be by fire, and then totally remodel earth without any traces of the effects of mans sins.-The Ark is a symbol of God’s protection and care for those who worship him. Animals also worship their Creator…even rocks and stones and trees and stars worship God (as they should and as all of us should…God is 100% Good and Fair and Just. Only the deliberate Rebels are punished.)

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