Gary Varvel for December 10, 2013

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    nate9279  over 10 years ago

    Thank you for your homage to the beloved Calvin and Hobbes. No thank you for using them to spread your dangerous message of denial.

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    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Even Hobbs is too smart to be a “denier”.

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    OmqR-IV.0  over 10 years ago

    The trouble, Parker, is that what Varvel views as “nay-sayers”, “doom-sayers or harbingers of doom”, are scientists who are warning us about the effects of anthropogenic climate change.

    If you meant the nay-sayers in your comment to mean anthropogenic climate change(ACC) deniers, then you’re at odds with Varvel’s message.

    Note the backward “e” in “beware”; that derides the intellect of the “snowman” that held up that placard, the other placard has still visible “end is near”, an obvious derisive criticism that equates ACC to those often caricatured ‘loony’ harbingers of doom.Usage of the term “global warming” juxtaposed with scenes of snowmen and the exploitive misuse of our beloved Calvin is just plain awful.

    …if you think those who are alerting us to the effects of anthropogenic climate change are fools then…hmm. Then we are at odds with each other. :-/

    By the way, anthropogenic climate change includes the concept of anthropogenic global warming (AGW).

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 10 years ago

    1. “weather” and “climate” are not the same thing.2. “Global warming” results in “climate change” which can mean colder weather and overall climate in certain areas.3. I’d be better off explaining this to the dog. He is just as intelligent but at least pretends to be listening.

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    Donald Hubin Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Perhaps political cartoonists should be required to take a course on climate and weather so that they would understand the difference between the two. I think it’s unfortunate that global climate change has gotten labeled in the popular press “global warming.” That has led people who don’t understand the issues (or don’t want us to understand the issues) to think (or pretend to think) that the now well-established theory of global climate change means that for each of us, everywhere, every day will be a couple of degrees warmer. When we have a cold snap in a region, this leads people like the dullard Sen. Inhofe and others to think that global climate change has been refuted.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    No, not a conspiracy, but some kind of nutty leftist religion based science and fudged results to get what is desired.When all the grant money is going to those who support the global warming theory, and none to those who do not support the theory, guess what people looking for grant money are going to say.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Sorry, I just don’t believe you anymore – this Global Warming movement is supported by, and consists of, those kinds of people who spit on me when I returned from overseas after spending a year in harm’s way defending their rights. Rights they wouldn’t defend themselves. Global Warming – yeah, its been determined despite the 4 billion years the Earth has been here vs. maybe 100 years of weather history.

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    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    coraryan says, " We cannot even predict the weather 10 days ahead with any accuracy, and yet you “changers” expect us to believe they can predict the weather 20 years in the future." Well, I can’t predict what you’re going to be doing ten days from now, but I can predict what you’re going to be doing a hundred years from now.

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