Lisa Benson for November 22, 2013

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    Bassrox Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Both sides should be ashamed to have even threatened to do this. The fact that it’s been done is unconscionable.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    It’s about bloody time!

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    rogcbrand  over 10 years ago

    Yeah, just because 8 years ago Obama, Reid, Biden and other lying, hypocritical, corrupt Democrats, that you liberals worship, said that using the Senate Nuclear Option would be a horrible, undemocratic and extremely partisan, etc., etc., etc.

    But it’s all right when they do it???

    You liberals show just how dishonest you are!

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    blackash2004-tree Premium Member over 10 years ago

    What goes around comes back around and the payback will be painful. Is there any doubt that Obamacare will be repealed with a simple majority vote in the Senate?

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    archimedeslives  over 10 years ago

    Wrong, wrong wrong. Number one the republicans are not blocking all of the Presidents nominee. Number two the average number of days for a nominee approval for Obama is 240 for Bush it was 277. 71.4% of Obama’s nominations for district court were approved in his first term compared to 67.3 of Bush’s.

    But don’t let facts get in the way of a good rant.


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    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    There was a video from 2006 of Mr. McConnal threatening to do the same thing because of the Democrats ‘filibustering’ Mr. Bush’s nominees.I’m not the least bit surprised this as happened. The Dems, in their majorities during past administrations, instigated many of the rules in the senate that have been being used by Republicans. This is another one that will come back to haunt them. If this action creates an environment where judges are chosen who swing voters find to be ‘bad’, then it may have the very positive effect of getting more people involved in choosing candidates for office. I know that I plan to be more involved in Virginia’s next series of caucuses. Every cycle, I get invites to go to Richmond by both parties, but each time I’ve stayed home. By doing so, I got the candidates I deserved, and neither were the best people for the job. One was just less bad than the other. We need to be involved neighbors. We’re good people and we deserve candidates who will serve the people instead of themselves. But if we’re going to get those people, we need to take real action.Good luck.Sincerely,C.

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  7. United federation
    corzak  over 10 years ago

    I heard a rumor that many Republicans are actually relieved by this. Now maybe they might be able to get some work done. And be able to plausibly confront the derangement from the far-right with “sorry, we’re in the minority, there’s nothing we can do!”

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    TCulberson  over 10 years ago

    You mean used the constitution?

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    klr562  over 10 years ago

    check you history the Dems have abused it far more but done let facts get in the way.

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    locoboilerguy  over 10 years ago

    What has happened was one of Jefferson’s worst fears. We are sinking into mob rule. 51% will control 49% with no respect given to the 49%. Just look at how both sides talk about each other and the comments on this site. There is no longer any middle ground, common respect or ideals. Just the agenda of one side or the other that is all important.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    “Republicans had the chance much earlier and didn’t do it.”In 2005, Frist tried to exercise the nuclear option & was defeated by the Gang of 14. This time, there weren’t enough Republicans willing to prevent the vote.

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    House and Senate rules have often been changed. The filibuster was intended as an effort to defeat gross abuse by the majority, and rarely used, until: McConnell and Boehner announced their total objective was to see that Obama was a one term President. Failing that, the determined in the first term two plans to keep any legislation he supported from passing: in the House, it was inserting absurd sections to almost every bill, so that even if the House DID pass it, the Senate would be forced to either not accept as written, or vote it down. In the Senate, it became the filibuster without “filibuster”, but merely the threat. At least Rand Paul DID heed the rule that he had to hold the floor, and much as I disagree with him on almost anything, at least he showed respect for the rule.

    The filibuster is no longer used to halt the egregious, but to roadblock and stop, EVERYTHING. If they couldn’t get Obama out of office, making the Congress totally ineffective, and blocking the President, and bringing the country down, is fine with the far-right. That’s not the way it’s supposed to work, in a “representative democracy” where, in MOST CASES, the majority, even if simple, is supposed to carry the day, if not “rule”.

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  13. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    Harry Reid brings the WWE to Congress.

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    Dr Lou Premium Member over 10 years ago

    About time… matter WHO is in the majority.

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    rogcbrand  over 10 years ago

    Just read the comments made by the resident socialists. They think it’s all right for the Democrats to do this, after Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Biden, etc., said it should never be done by the Republicans or it would destroy or democracy.

    Yet these liberals think that when the Republicans are in the majority, they should rescind it. Basically, we liberals believe that our Democrat politicians should be allowed to do anything, say any lie, commit any corruption and get away with it, but those evil Republicans should have their hands tied and not be allowed to do anything.

    It all comes down to the parasitic nanny staters, who want their lord Obamessiah to take from the hard working and hand it over to them for nothing. The life of lazy, drug addict parasites is expensive and hard working citizens must be forced to support them, and the Democrat party is here to make that happen!

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    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    Hypocrisy? Please, Cube, tell me it isn’t so!!Hypocrisy, like lies, took over in DC decades ago. The hubris, greed, and power hunger makes all means permissible, as long as the ends are remotely achievable. The fact that they are rarely achieved hasn’t seemed to sunk in. Neither party leads with honor.Sadly,C.

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    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    How you get that message from the words I wrote confuses me, Ansonia. I’m sorry I lack the skills necessary to convey my concept of compassionate conservatism. A welfare state is dangerous to our republic whether it is the poor or the rich receiving that welfare. There needs to be a balance, even a reboot of our economy in order for the tide to once more raise all boats equally. Too many very well built boats are in sheltered harbors and too many boats that are barely afloat are having money thrown into them that doesn’t enable them to either repair themselves or improve themselves.The rich and the poor need to come closer to the middle and everyone needs to be part of the community. I do see it, and I’ve read how our nation restored balance in the past. I just don’t understand why we’re not willing to use those same tools to do it again.I’m sorry I’m not more articulate, Ansonia. I want a door open to anyone that is physically, mentally, and educationally able to be be part of our society. I also want us to balance the budget.The problem is how to do this over the short term and gain long term benefits.Respectfully,C.

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