Bob Gorrell for November 01, 2013

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    eepatt  over 10 years ago

    @debt free:Those so-called “cancellations” are actually RECALLS of an inferior product that do not meet simple standards. Many of the bankruptcies that occur due to catstrophic health care bills are on people with “insurance” tht did not cover what people thought. Insurance companies can still make lots of money, but now they have some rules that they must play by.

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  2. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  over 10 years ago

    News flash! People keep dying regardless of what plan they are on. It’s called mortality. Review God’s plan with your priest or minister if you have any questions. Those who question their faith need not apply.

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    retpost  over 10 years ago

    It just shows that some so called health plans were just ripoff plans. My old plan lowered their price $221 per month and I get to keep it.

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    Quipss  over 10 years ago

    So to make up for stupidity people should be violent.

    How about rather than pointless rebellion whereby the greatest tenancy is a new generation of despots, you work to inform the uninformed.

    If the uninformed disagree they are not uninformed, they merely disagree, dissenting views exist

    If the uninformed agree and become supporters you have performed your roll

    However it is not as easy as presuming people will agree when you say something, nor is it fast

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  5. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  over 10 years ago

    Great cartoon, Bob! Is the artwork an homage to Don Martin? It reminds me of his style, and it fits sooo well!

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    phdtogo  over 10 years ago

    Comrades, Comrades, no need to worry. A national health service will soon be here to meet all of your medical needs. That is, if you have the time! Waiting in line for bread on Thursdays. Sugar on Saturday and meat on Tuesday.

    Dos vedanya Tovarisch, I’m off to the store, I hear they are selling tires!

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    phdtogo  over 10 years ago

    Canada is calling, catch the next flight

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