Robert Ariail for October 07, 2013

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    oneoldhat  over 10 years ago

    ansonia the to your question [Who are supporting Iranian Mullahs??] is dr c

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    eugene57  over 10 years ago

    Did nixon get hooked by china, did ussr get hooked by reagan?

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    oneoldhat  over 10 years ago

    yes eugene ussr got roped by reagan // note where ussr is today // only in history books

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Nixon & Reagan met with Mao & Gorbachev, & were hailed as statesmen. Obama is open to talks with Iran, but must be a fool or a secret Muslim in the eyes of neocons like Ariall.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Leif WalenchaIsn’t that the guy who almost discovered Greenland?

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    That made no sense. Please try and string together a coherent thought. And the redneck are the one’s keepin’ it real. it’s all the transnationist who trying to break it.Wow! If this were satire, I’d say you’re better than the Neoconman!

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    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    The REAL problem is the fish saying nothing but noooo. WE, the United States, need to act in OUR interests. It IS long past time to negotiate with ANY country, especially in the Middle East, but with Israel, we need the same negotiating strategy Boehner prefers: “My way or the highway”, NOT the other way around, doing whatever Israel and AIPAC demand. It’s past time to tell the far right in Israel shut up.

    Jewish history IS a history of them being oppressed, mostly by Catholics, Protestants, and other good “Christians”, NOT MUSLIMS! That Israel’s whole policy toward the Palestinian Arabs (many are CHRISTIANS!), is a reversal of the ghetto system, and it MUST STOP! MANY ISRAELIS agree that it’s time to stop the humiliating policies of Likud and the far right, not to mention their constant military attacks on their neighbors.

    We’ve screwed over nearly every country in the Middle East, EXCEPT Israel, and it goes back to before the modern nation of Israel was established, BY THE UN, and the U.S.!

    PEACE can only be achieved through strong efforts at diplomacy, not more bombing, and invading countries, at the behest of a small group of some 6 million on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean. Tens of millions have been attacked, with calls for more (65 million in Iran), and it’s time to bring some common sense to the simple matter of population statistics as to whose rights DO need to be observed!

    I agree with the UN that Israel has a right to exist, but NOT to continue to dominate all U.S. foreign policy, as they are the ONLY nuclear nation in the region, and the only one that steadfastly refuses to join the world community calling for the end to nuclear proliferation of weapons..

    Lastly, I am NOT “anti-Semitic”, as Arabs and other Semites have just as much right to the “title” and freedom, as do the Jews who have confiscated the term “Semite”. History for the Jews HAS been rather horrible oppression, but that doesn’t give the most right-wing in their numbers to reign as the new oppressors!

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 10 years ago

    We insist on killing our children in a pointless war that could have been averted!

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    edward thomas Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Apparently some here have never heard the maxim “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” And the way Baby Netanyahoo is acting, he should be in the bedroom closet with the other monsters.

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    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    swr said, “It’s not just Iran having the bomb I will bet that if they do get one within months Saudi Arbia and Kuwit and Baharia will to.”Is a reply really necessary?

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  11. 2192946 misterfantastica
    eugene57  over 10 years ago

    “It’s strange that he can talk with everyone but the Republicans. "Everyone has been talking, a faction of extremist do not want to listen and communicate. There have been times in the past where those on the far left have left me with an unfavorable opinion of them, but I have never seen such contempt as the poorly named TEAparty has displayed.As for Bruce’s comment that Pres. Obama is not leveling the playing field, is that not what the TEAparty is working against. And coal is being replace by natural gas, due to costs.

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