Michael Ramirez for October 05, 2013

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    HappyPhil  over 10 years ago

    I try to overlook the RNC propaganda in his cartoons, by thinking that the anti-Obama theme is a stipulation in Mr. Ramirez contract. How else could such a talented artist get a syndicated deal with the right wing press?

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    drelefson Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Oh, that’s right. Negotiate and compromise area always done with one party at the table, never two. Congress gave the last debt increase under the understanding that the Senate and Dems (including the President) would deal with the budget. They never have. YES, it is Obama’s (leader of the Democratic party) fault. “You must spend more even if you don’t have the money.”

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    Wraithkin  over 10 years ago

    Correct. Even as a percent of GDP, the debt has never been higher. But, are we surprised that this is the result of these past 5 years? Are we surprised after the way the Democrats passed the PPACA? People snarked and called Bush the great divider. It’s sad that even he has been outdone.

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