Bob Gorrell for September 25, 2013

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    1.5+ billions Muslims.Roughly the same number of Roman Catholics. A few million evangelicals in the U.S., and an even smaller number of Jews- world wide, figure their minority should rule as “chosen”.

    Peace beats war, and religious idiocy that has caused most wars in the last few millennia.

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  2. 200
    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Um, Ken? This is simply a lie. Do you know the difference between “commentary” and “lying”?.And do you have any sons the right age to die in a pointless, unnecessary war whipped up by your lying allies on the lunatic fringe?

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    elbob83709  over 10 years ago

    Great one. Obama thinks that everyone out there is so mesmerized by his wonderfulness that they will go out of their way simply to be in his awesome presence and wait to do his bidding. He still hasn’t got over the Messiah complex.

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