Mike Luckovich for September 22, 2013

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    Vermont Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Yep, that about sums it all up.

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    magicwalnut Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Excellent point!!!

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    Don Winchester Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Way to twist the true meaning. The makers who work and pay their taxes. The takers that won’t work because they’re making more not working sponging off of entitlements that they didn’t pay in to.

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  4. Dale s photo
    Tuner38  over 10 years ago

    And where does the capital come from to get the materials and pay the wages?

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Man, what planet do you live on?

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Oddly enough, the conservative mind has no trouble with exploitation, wage theft, financial inequality and corporate welfare, all while trying valiantly to destroy the middle class.

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  7. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    Let’s see: Some guy with money

    Bought the lotBought the materialsPaid the workers

    And Luckovich apparently thinks the workers are the ones that should reap all the profits after having invested nothing in the project.

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    Marty Z  over 10 years ago

    I have nothing against those in the 1% who actually create goods, jobs, technology, services, etc. They earned it. We need more people like Steve Jobs. The same for people like Warren Buffet, who invest for the long-term, which enables others to create goods, jobs, etc.*My problem is with those in the 1% who make their money based purely on short-term return-on-investment, which benefits few outside of Wall Street. And they make huge campaign contributions to politicians who let them continue doing what they do, and write tax laws that allow them to pay long-term rates on short-term profits (15% instead of 35%).

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    tiredofit  over 10 years ago

    I’d like to get this on a t-shirt.

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  10. Wargob
    gbrucewilson  over 10 years ago

    Good job! You used “moron” twice and “tea party” once. I was beginning to wonder if you started taking your meds again, Guess not. .

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  11. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Nobody, NOBODY, who is a billionaire got their money in a legal and/or moral way. They all have skeletons in their closets…While Jobs & Gates didn’t become billionaires without making enemies by being on the right end of some lopsided arrangements, they did actually create an entire, new industry. They are the minority. Most of our 1% are glorified Wall Street middle men, who have figured out to make billions in an instant.

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  12. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Only a total retard, or a tea party moron, would believe that the top 1% are anything but the worst criminals in the world, they do not earn any of what they steal from all of us.While I agree that a few dealmakers have gamed the system, I don’t think calling people who haven’t figured that out yet, ‘morons’ is going to get them to think about it.Investors deserve a fair return, executives & dealmakers deserve a fair bonus. The links between performance & pay seem to be broken, though.

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  13. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 10 years ago

    Nice try, but I’m in the 1% (I work for it, but the salary is up there) and work with executives, and this cartoon is dead on.

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    Marty Z  over 10 years ago

    In addition to my previous comment, I also have a problem with those in the 1% who buy a company that employs a lot of Americans, then takes a tax deduction for downsizing and outsourcing production to China (or service jobs to India).*If they really need to close US facilities and outsource, we taxpayers shouldn’t subsidize it. They should also bear the entire expense of closing an operation, including honoring accrued benefits.

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  15. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 10 years ago

    I guess you will never understand that most people on Snap, ADC, and are indeed unemployable because they are children from poor families, disabled veterans, The old, (if you think of Social security and Medicare on your list of lazy bums) people who have lost everything through no fault of their own, the mentally and physically ill. The 1% are the takers. They get so much more "corporate welfare =they don’t pay the taxes the do owe, that the truly deserving needy are just a drop in the bucket.Apparently your heart is made of stone or you think you have a shot at being one of the 1%.Talking to you, trying to show you reality is a great futility. You don’t want to be anything but what you are. I give up trying to help you lose that heavy hatred, MS IMA.

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  16. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 10 years ago

    Do you Know if Omnius is not working?? If earning more is at the expense of the rest of us is that really OK. The big ISPs are trying to end net neutrality and it would help them make more money. BUT, they are lying, claiming there is a finite amount of online ability, like we will run out which isn’t true. With their plan only big corporations that can afford to pay a lot will get fast speed, others, most of us will be left with slower connections. If people were aware of this, they would be angry. Don’t assume that all liberals are taking “welfare” or a stupid, lazy or idiots.

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  17. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    Anyone remember the Lisa Benson cartoon for Sept 20? She was slamming Obama for fattening the 1%. How does that compare to this cartoon?

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    Marty Z  over 10 years ago

    A Wall Street firm that buys and sells a company with the intent to break it up and sell the pieces didn’t “build that”, either.

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  19. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    If “investors” AL still invested, and made companies stronger, and the “traders” on the market still put investment into building companies, things would be better. Today’s trader is more accurately a croupier. The “market” needs regulations back in place, and enforced.

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    Jason Allen  over 10 years ago

    “the takers are the welfare recipients who get something for nothing. The ‘1%’ work for what they get.”I highly doubt being born into a rich family can be considered “work.”

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  21. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    All but I think it was 8 of the 60+ women in the Forbes richest 400 INHERITED their wealth. A good proportion of the men, likewise. Tech industries did bring a lot of folks up the ladder, like well, Gates, but those making it in “finance” and real estate, like well, “the Donald”, actually inherited their positions if not actually the $$$$.

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  22. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    I notice a pattern. Whenever a 1% toon is published the libs all act like someone is stealing from them because they are unemployed and unemployable.Where is ansonia to cry about nasty language? I’m self employed, working hard & making a good living from it. And, I’m proud to be a liberal progressive. What’s the source of your income M. Stevenson?

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  23. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    check out the Obama Second Coming store in Baltimore. Query that and 2 million, and food stamps.THOSE are the worst criminals in the world.Do you mean the small scale frauds that trade $50 a month in food stamps for booze money, or the 1%ers that own the store?You see the tip of the iceberg, I see an administration that is actually cracking down on this type of fraud far more effectively than the past one. Illegal cashing in of SNAP money is around 1 cent per dollar of aid. Do you think we should fight the fraud or cut off aid to everyone, including children who rely on SNAP?The real crime is that the owners of these stores offered nothing but junk food instead of real food, while stealing on the side.

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    Quipss  over 10 years ago

    And clearly all libs should be in finance, after all if 51% of the country manages to live off of 2% of the GDP, something truly miraculous must be occurring. ( welfare = 10% of federal budget, Federal budget = 20% of GDP, therefor .2 × .1 = 0.02 × 100 = 2%)

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  25. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 10 years ago

    Most lower income workers work a LOT harder than you do, often working 3 or 4 part time jobs, because the rich prefer to pay themselves more money than they can ever spend, rather than give workers decent pay or benefits. My parents both worked VERY hard for a company, that, once “free trade” came in, moved to Egypt and took the worker’s pension fund with them! Trickle down is a joke, give the rich tax breaks and they don’t make jobs, they buy a second yacht; well, ok, they do make jobs, in 3rd World countries!

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  26. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 10 years ago

    “I notice a pattern. Whenever a 1% toon is published the libs all act like someone is stealing from them because they are unemployed and unemployable.”I also notice a pattern. When you have nothing to add to the discussion, and are unable to provide any evidence for your position, you just lie through your teeth like you did here. Why is that? The only possible reason is that you’re a masochist suffering from low self-esteem who likes to present himself as an idiot to the public.Go ahead, prove me wrong. Give us some proof that all libs are unemployed and unemployable. We’re waiting.

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    lisak157 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Actually, you can tell all the good for nothing democrats here….it’s pretty easy, they are blaming the 1%.

    How about this idiots? Why don’t you blame the GOVERNMENT?!!!! They take your money, not MAKE your money. All the money ANYONE earns is theirs, NOT the governments. I think wealth redistribution has gotten out of hand and it sure isn’t the 1%, it’s the good old Uncle Sam who is doing it!!!!!!! Hasn’t obamau done a great job of brainwashing you? snort

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    echoraven  over 10 years ago

    True, but who has let this type of thievery thrive, since the gap between the rich and poor have accelerated in the last 5 years? .The dim bulb in the oval office…

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    rini1946  over 10 years ago

    you mean he welfare people that the dems are paying so they can get elected.

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    MikiD54  over 10 years ago

    Well, I’m a “lib” - and have worked steadily for 60+ years, raised three kids, and put them all through college! You are a blithering idiot!!!

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    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    The bosses invested money and people in the projects. A person counts as 3/5ths of a dollar.

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  32. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Uncle Joe: I’m sure you’re aware that much of Gates’ s giving away so much wealth, may well be a matter of guilt about the fact that he consistently, as an individual and corporation, basically stole what he got. He WAS and IS, “clever and rich”, but for years, ethically bankrupt. (LIke putting software out there that worked as a Trojan horse to steal developers works.)

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  33. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 10 years ago

    “When Democrats Controlled Congress”Still haven’t been able to grasp the concept of the Republican abuse of the filibuster, huh, Tigger?

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  34. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 10 years ago

    A little late to the party but spot on!!!

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