Prickly City by Scott Stantis for October 10, 2013

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Yeah, such a terrible thing, making sure people can have some medical care. I say, let them die horrible deaths like Ayn Rand!!

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    johnt204  over 10 years ago

    That’s okay. The Affordable Care Act is better. So say the dumocrat LIVs (low-information voters).

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member over 10 years ago

    The right like to make Obamacare sound like the boogeyman. They would sooner let the US default on its debt than let the ACA get fully funded assuring every American has affordable healthcare insurance.

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    catzilla23  over 10 years ago

    P J O’Rourke said a couple years ago: “Think health care is expensive? Just wait till it’s free.”

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    Potrzebie  over 10 years ago

    Romneycare is good enough in MASS, and gues where the #1 healthcare system in the world is?

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    dogday Premium Member over 10 years ago

    We are very fortunate in that we currently have good insurance through my husband’s company. If his company decides, and why shouldn’t they (that’s not a rhetorical question; I wish someone would tell me) it’s no longer worth it to offer insurance we will be hard pressed to afford any at all.

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    dogday Premium Member over 10 years ago

    I’m sorry to be dim, and this is a serious question. What is 404Care?? If that’s the ACA website, someone on the radio was interviewed about the website mess and asked why the gov’t didn’t hire professionals from Amazon or one of the successful consumer sites for their website implementation. The pompous answer from the White House press office was basically, “what we provided is good enough.” Thanks, W.H.

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    jbmlaw01  over 10 years ago

    Lord, protect us from the social engineers and polisci majors.

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    JusSayin  over 10 years ago

    " Check out what is happening in England. National Heath is literaly killing people before their time." Demonstrably false. I advise checking out any survey of life expectancy, infant mortality and quality of life. USA is near the bottom of all health statistics in the developed world. If you study ACA, you will find it similar to Medicaid, and, as in most developed countries offers the opportunity to buy additional coverage from a private company, just in case you want a buttocks-tuck Medicaid may not provide.Insurance fell apart in my working career, largely because it is state controlled. In Louisiana, the Office of Insurance Commissioner is a fast track to becoming a felon. Our last four Insurance Commissioners were convicted or pled to felonies related to racketeering, bribery graft and corruption, and for thirty years over a quarter of our legislature were insurance company employees writing favorable legislation to their industry.You asked for my credentials earlier, I posted them in the Prickly City comments for yesterday, October 9, 2013, maybe an hour ago while answering someone else. My Republican credentials from around 1978 through 1988 are impeccable, if I do say so myself.JusSayin

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    JusSayin  over 10 years ago

    " Many employers went to part-times years ago." True. Factcheck dot org debunked the lie that ACA has, or will cause, companies to make more people part-timers. Factcheck dot org is reasonably non partisan.JusSayin

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    JusSayin  over 10 years ago

    " We will no default on our debt if we stop borrowing money, which is what the debt ceiling does. In fact just 17% of federal receipts will service our debt, the rest goes to all the government empolyees who audit you, snoop on your and chase you out of open air parks". That is not correct. Apparently you have forgotten, Standard & Poors has cancelled the USA’s credit rating. The largest expenses of government are Social Security and Medicaid. Sixteen percent inflation in the costs of medical care for several years has decimated several government and corporate insurance costs, made worse by the fact persons with employer supported insurance are not taxed on the value of what the IRS normally classes as wages and ordinary income.Health care costs are killing this economy, and as a whole, we have some of the poorest healthcare results in the developed world. (Source: CIA World FactBook: I cannot believe the right wing is so misinformed here I am aligning with Night-Gaunt49 and feel I must congratulate him for trying to prevent USA from falling prey to the disinformation campaign of the Uber-elite. Here is a clue: Unless you have a net worth in excess of around twenty million dollars in unencumbered and reasonably liquid assets AND an income of over $892,000 per year, you have no business supporting the Republican Party in its current condition.No offense intended to Night-

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    JusSayin  over 10 years ago

    Gaunt49. Earlier in my immediately previous post, I meant S & P cancelled the USA’s sterling credit rating, and all the rating services have the USA on watch for reduction of credit rating. If the USA loses its credit rating much more, there is a *very real possibility the USA will lose its status as the World’s reserve currency, and a comparative loss of value of 40 to 70 percent of its value.And do not dare cite Austrian Economics to anyone who has studied history. Sure, it’s a fascinating game of mental masturbation, but was applied in Germany, failed and caused the tripwire of WWII. Yeah, Keynes wanted to meet with Mises at Bretton Woods, because he wanted comic relief and the opportunity to forever discredit the hubris and folly that nearly destroyed the world.JusSayin

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    kaystari Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Yes, thats humor….cause its true

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