Jim Morin for August 23, 2013

  1. Manachan
    rpmurray  over 10 years ago

    He should have used the Hillary defence: “What good does it do now?”

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    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    Thank you for the laugh, Michael! Between, Castle, Beckett, the McClains, and Chuck Norris, our nation is safe forever! May the Farce be with us, Always.^More seriously, I would have a lot more sympathy for Manning and Snowden had they released their info to 60 minutes, WSJ, or some other USA news outlet. By releasing their info to international interests with no loyalty or allegiance to the USA, they acted more like spies for the opposition rather than whistle blowers. And we must remember, we have arrested people for spying for our allies in the past.Even ‘Scooter’ Libby released his info to an American journalist, and both of them went to jail. A man recently described Snowden as a defector, not a traitor, based on the definitions within the law. This is probably accurate. Manning deserves one kudo. He didn’t try and run, and he accepted the consequences of his action. one side note, he now wants to be called Chelsea. I’ll stick with Manning.Respectfully,C.

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  3. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 10 years ago

    I don’t understand how Bradley, now Chelsea, is going to do the switch.

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    Hrodobertus  over 10 years ago

    Thanks, Jim Morin, for this editorial cartoon. I note that the American media have not been known for bravery or depth of reporting for more than a decade. Snowden may have done well to go to a British journalist – the British, after all, are our close allies. Even so, the British government has tried to intimidate the Guardian, cooperating with our own government’s paranoia about “secrets” that really aren’t secret so much as not paid attention to and discussed among the citizenry. As for Pfc Manning, his pre-trial treatment was inhumane and amounted to torture and the trial itself was a kangaroo court. I hope he is credited for time served (under harsh conditions) and released to pursue freely the transgender process he so sorely needs.

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    Pogostiks Premium Member over 10 years ago

    For once a cartoonist with a heart… thank you, sir!

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  6. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 10 years ago

    What he meant was, “committing several felonies and breaking my sworn oath”.

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