Mike Luckovich for July 02, 2013

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    Odon Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    They fail to see a connection.

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    Tuner38  almost 11 years ago

    Congress can affect the weather? Climate will always change.

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    Vermont Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Are you right-wingers ignorant about everything?

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    Jason Allen  almost 11 years ago

    “The label on the bomb should say “Debt” from the live-it-up Baby Boom generation.”Yes, but history tells us Republicans will stop caring about that the moment a Republican is elected President.

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    goweeder  almost 11 years ago

    “In your little mind, Walker, but at least we know reality.”……………………………………………………..Your ‘reality’ is very strange.

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    goweeder  almost 11 years ago

    “BOTH parties have rogered us but good. And neither party will do anything but continue to roger us.”………………………………………………….. And I’ll continue to vote. That’s the only real power we have (maybe).

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    magicwalnut Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    There is a theory that everyone creates his own reality. PAJ is living proof. I’m beginning to think liberals and conservatives live in two entirely different parallel universes.

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    TTL  almost 11 years ago

    Climate Change has been going on for 4 billion years with or without “humans” to think that we are able to control Mother Nature is out right carzy, but hey we no longer believe in a creator so what else is new,

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    hippogriff  almost 11 years ago

    goweeder: You must be white, male, and out of school, otherwise what makes you think you will be permitted to vote? It isn’t a right any more.

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    chazandru  almost 11 years ago

    We need to react to the changes in climate as if they were an invasive disease, or an invading army. No matter what the source of the changes are, there are responses that could lessen the effects and extremes thereby reducing the future expenses and losses we will inevitably face. The simplest thing to do is to plant trees and make people use white roofs. These are cheap and easy steps, and the least we should do. If the trees we plant produce fruit and nuts that’s even better. I’d like to see each commenter give just one idea on how to respond to the current weather patterns. I don’t believe have a seat and wait it out is a viable position.It will be interesting to see how much coastline we’ll have to lose before enough people feel it’s time to “stand our ground” and make efforts to keep it from being washed out from under our feet.Respectfully,C.

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    Leticia Shelley  almost 11 years ago

    it’s not just the climate of weather but just the world itself…sometimes it makes me wonder why I had children.

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    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    The cost of doing nothing about climate change, world-wide, not just here, will put all nations into a debt spiral of unimaginable consequence. Take a look at what drought areas, like Darfur, and flood damage in Europe in recent years, and then look at Texas, with drought AND flood cycles never seen before.

    The bomb isn’t ticking, because just like in the real world, not movies, “bad guys” do NOT put clocks on their bombs to let the EOD folks know when they’re going to go off. Our climate bomb is indeed lit, and “denier” folks, mostly on the rigntest of right wing in America, are going back to the fuse with a blowtorch, not scissors.

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    Hawthorne  almost 11 years ago

    “BOTH parties have rogered us but good. And neither party will do anything but continue to roger us.”

    I’ve said it often, but don’t expect anything good to come of it. It is most likely to get you ignored, but it got me banned on another site.

    Both parties are at fault; neither ever mitigates the effect of the other’s admin, regardless of what they do. Therefore, there is only one party. It does what it has to do to take us back to a wage slave-company store era. OK, we haven’t been there yet as a country at least – though we have seen a good many pockets of it over the decades. This time they are after all of us, all over the world.

    That’s what the ‘global economy’ is about.

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    CasualBrowser  almost 11 years ago

    “…so in desperation they relabel themselves ‘climate changers’ so no matter what happens they’ve got it covered!”-No, the rebranding was done by conservative strategist Frank Luntz. But that’s not going to stop you from using this lie again, is it?

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    CasualBrowser  almost 11 years ago

    “But at every 5 years since 1970 they change their mind weather man is making the world hotter or colder depending on what is popular.”-There you go, making up things again.

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    Hawthorne  almost 11 years ago


    “Would you rather be alive and in debt or dead and debt-free?”

    That thought is probably too complex for the level of functioning of his brain. He just needs someone to blame for the mess the oligarchs have made, some of whom were baby boomers.

    Considering the number of boomers who are living hand to mouth because they either never managed to get far enough ahead to make a pension, or lost their pensions through the nineties, it kind of adds insult to injury to lay this mess at the feet of ‘the boomers’. The worst of it has happened in the generation that followed.

    The baby boomer thing is just another scapegoating effort by those whose greed is beyond anything since Croesus.

    This culture demands a lot of scapegoats, because those with the power have made a truly gargantuan mess.

    Do you find it odd that no one wants to lay the blame where it belongs?

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    frodo1008  almost 11 years ago

    Somehow, I think that future generations are going to be just a bit more angry with this one for leaving them with an air you can not breath, water too polluted to drink, and an Earth that is now longer livable. Rather than worrying about debt. After all if you are dead or dying, you no longer give a rat’s rear end about debt!!

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    frodo1008  almost 11 years ago

    Indeed saving the wet lands is a noble and just cause, and should be pursued vigorously!Also, I personally am also against a direct carbon tax, if only because I think it would not be affective enough in curbing the burning of chemical fuels into the atmosphere. Not only should humanity in general stop such burning and polluting, but we should also realize that it may already be too late to ameliorate some of the affects of exponential rapid global climate change, and we therefore should not only make every attempt to not only slow this thing down, but at the same time also make every effort to deal with the changes that are now inevitable, regardless of what we do. We owe that to future generations that may even be alive at this moment!!

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