Jen Sorensen for May 28, 2013

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    rmacprivate  almost 11 years ago

    I can’t wait. Then maybe all the locations around the world that I want to physically see, won’t be making concessions for American tourists. Then we can finally see the true culture of that particular country. Paris without McD’s. River boat cruises without menus adjusted for American tastes and all the other cultural adjustments countries have made over the years to pander to the American tourist.

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    sky4forums  almost 11 years ago

    Why is Jen Sorensen the only cartoonist placed the A-Z list by her first name? Everybody else is listed in last name order.

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    jusarunnerdoc  almost 11 years ago

    they are all supine not prone

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    Jason Allen  almost 11 years ago

    “liberal fascist socialist Muslim commie pinko Kenyan terrorist ROTFLMAO! Thank you for repeating the last 6 years of republitard paranoid lunacy in one sentence. That ilk never ceases to make me laugh, thanks!”The sarcasm must have been too subtle for someone. The comment got scrubbed. I didn’t delete it.

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    MissBrandee74  almost 11 years ago

    Maybe I am misunderstand the point the artist is trying to make but this is such a harsh generalization. I have traveled extensively – the rule in our family was gaining the best understanding we could of the culture we were visiting…with respect always. I always avoid ‘tourist central’ wherever I go and never have I been on a package tour – too restrictive and lets face it – not ‘real’! I have met many tourists and I know for a fact I’m not the only one who approaches travel this way!

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