Joe Heller for May 24, 2013

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    dannysixpack  almost 11 years ago

    ^like they did with Clinton?

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    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    What’s really hilarious about the “scandals” the Republicans have concocted, are the direct result of legislation THEY wrote and passed for “W”. “Do as I say, not as I did”, is the new phrase of import.

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    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    “Patriot Act”, “Military Commissions Act”, “Defense Authorization Act”, just three for starters, Mechanic.

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    edward thomas Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I call BS on BOTH parties for the IRS situation. And on the Supremes for alliowing ANYONE to try to be a 501C4. I believe many of the conservatives that rushed to get that status were unsophisticated as to IRS rules. No, I don’t mean stupid. They answered in a manner that could be considered political, and were subject to higher scrutiny based on their application. The IRS questions DID go beyond the bounds of reasonableness, but it’s interesting that most conservative groups werte eventually APPROVED! Meanwhile, only 7 “Progressive” groups were approived during that same period!

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    edward thomas Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Today my Senator, Rob Portman, spoke out and asked if anyone has been “disciplined/fired” at the IRS. Once again a rush to judgement before anyone knows the facts. IRS has been consistently underfunded, there was a rush of applications following Citizens United, many with improper/suspect/confusing information. It apears the reviewers involved used an unfortunate and inappropriate shorthand to judge these applications. Discipline before investigation is just as inappropriate. The IG’s report was an audit, not an investigation, so there are no charges to be applied at this time.

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