Tom Toles for February 08, 2013

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    ConserveGov  about 11 years ago

    Oh and you forgot free schooling, welfare, publicly paid housing, emergency room treatment, roads,parks, police etc. without paying a dime in income tax.

    Try doing that if you’re legally here. A couple guys in suits will be at your house or office in no time.

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    jazzmoose  about 11 years ago

    How can you cross a border illegally anyway? Unless you’re in a country that outlaws leaving the country…

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    Doughfoot  about 11 years ago

    “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries sheWith silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

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    edward thomas Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Based on what conservatives use and don’t want to pay for, maybe they should be deported?

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    Doughfoot  about 11 years ago

    “In Congress, July 4, 1776, the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. … The History of the present King of Great Britain is a History of repeated Injuries … He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither … " — Ever notice how the Founding Fathers are reverently invoked by certain folks when it suits their purposes as though they were oracles. Yet the Founders also held opinions that these same folks would hold to be awful. How about this from Thomas Jefferson:“But the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise.”

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    Doughfoot  about 11 years ago

    Here’s something from a bona fide CONSERVATIVE author, examining the actual data rather than xenophobic ideology:

    “Immigrants, including illegal immigrants, are not socially disruptive. They are much less likely to wind up in prison or in mental hospitals than the native-born.

    Immigrants, both legal and illegal, do not drain the federal budget. It’s true that states and localities have to spend money to educate them when they are children, but, over the course of their lives, they pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits. Furthermore, according to the Congressional Budget Office, giving the current illegals a path to citizenship would increase the taxes they pay by $48 billion and increase the cost of public services they use by $23 billion, thereby producing a surplus of $25 billion."

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    hippogriff  about 11 years ago

    kato1979: It was in the 1970s. I used their “underground railroad” to get to Canada when I and my family were sentenced to death by starvation by blacklists. It is no longer possible with “branch-plant manager” Harper in control.

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    magicwalnut Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Yeah! (tongue firmly in cheek). And besides, if we deport all the illegal immigrants, African Americans can have their jobs!

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    genemascho  about 11 years ago

    read what benefits a kid born to mexican parents in us get when they get sent to mexico thier considered american and get no benefits school or medical in other words YANKEE KID GO HOME even your folks are mexican nationals

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  10. Masked
    Rickapolis  about 11 years ago

    The GOP will just have to find some other group to blame for everything.

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  11. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 11 years ago

    . Undocumented workers do pay taxes. they pay payroll taxesthey pay social security without any hope of getting anything out of it. Most do pay income taxes. each case is different but but the silly rumors about our government giving them new cars and rent free housing are not true.Altogether the workers pay millions of $$.this is a lot more than the too big to fail corporations who feel entitled to pay no taxes.

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  12. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member about 11 years ago

    The children of Legal Immigrants should vote on how to handle the Illegal situation. Their opinion should dominate what is finally decided.

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  13. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Imagine that 11 million people left the country tomorrow. How many businesses would have to lay-off workers because of the drop in demand? The same is true for govt workers and teachers. We would see all types of tax revenues take a big hit. Prices for some food would go thru the roof. There would be a lot of whining by US Citizens. .We deserve this delima. We have done nothing for a long time. We have failed to get The Elected Ones to do something. Politicians will not get re-elected if they oppose a path to Citizenship. Politicians will do anything to get re-elected. The debate is over.

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    edward thomas Premium Member about 11 years ago

    I don’t plan on starving, as I actually work for a living, like most liberals I know.

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