Steve Breen for January 25, 2013

  1. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  about 11 years ago

    Now if we can just get them into the joint chiefs of staff.

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  2. Jed 01
    alcors3  about 11 years ago

    Take away that assault rifle!!! Is that a credit card or dog tag?

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    Fourcrows  about 11 years ago

    This came about in part because the people on the front lines have been reporting that the women involved in combat have already proven themselves. The issues occur when an entire group of soldiers are given substandard training because they are not supposed to be in combat suddenly find themselves under attack.

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    frodo1008  about 11 years ago

    In 1965, I was serving in the California national Guard. Part of our usual two weeks in summer camp was spent in riot control during the Watts Riots. I would not compare this totally to actual combat in such areas as Afghanistan, but I do know that (especially as this was not on the other side of the world, but only some 25 miles away from where I lived) I have never been so horrified or scared in my entire life as I was then! The streets and building resembled just what both real pictures and even movies showed that the ruined towns of Europe looked like during WWII itself. So, I can imagine very well what it must be like to be in actual combat in such areas as Afghanistan and Iraq. Just where do people imagine where the condition called PTSD comes from anyway?

    So now, we want to have potential wives and even the mothers of our children to experience the total horror of such conditions? Is it not bad enough that men themselves have to engage in such activities?

    It is not that women could not do just as well as men in combat (I have no qualms in that area at all). But should we as humanity subject the generally gentler side of our natures in our women to such activities?

    I know that women already sometimes get involved in actual combat even support roles as they have in almost every war that Americans have ever fought in, but now we are talking about deliberately subjecting them to the horrors of active combat?

    I guess I must be old fashioned, but I say NO!!

    And if that is then considered to be a conservative position, then in this particular case I am proudly a conservative!!

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 11 years ago

    In the fictional “Full Metal Jacket”, the deadly sniper they ran up against, was a woman. Several of the most successful Russian snipers in WW II, were also women.

    How much of our view about women in combat comes from reality, and how much from idiotic “Christian” mythology? Even Israel recognizes women CAN fight, quite well. That “delicacy” issue, actually comes from the male prerogative of suppressing women, like good little “possessions”, which is a very “biblical view” for the right, and evangelical “types”.

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    avarner  about 11 years ago

    This will go along fine – until one or two are captured by Islamanutz. It won’t be pretty.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 11 years ago

    ^avarner: “Captured” by their COs or fellow soldiers has been a lot more immediate problem.

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    oldrellek99  about 11 years ago

    Most countries have had women in front lines for years without all the problems people like you seem to think there will be, Mainly Russia and Israel.

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