Ted Rall for January 16, 2013

  1. Infantry
    aguirra3  over 11 years ago

    Starting to believe the hypothesis that there is a smoking man in charge…

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    A popular entertainer described the modern Democrats as Reagan Republicans and Republicans as…welll… to the right of that.Mr. Obama has, in his quest to be the bipartisan president, made many concessions to the Republicans which is one reason the Republicans retook the house in 2010. Disillusioned Dems and Independents stayed home. If the Republicans had been able to attract a small number of minorities, including women, they would have won the presidency in 2012. Dems are upset with the president but afraid of conservatives. Repubs are too focused on social issues and tax cuts instead of jobs.We need to become nine issue voters. Pick nine things that are important to you and put them out there to be seen. Out of nine issues, there should be SOMETHING we can agree on.If not, the doomsday clock will keep clicking towards midnite.I almost never use liberal sites to back up my comments, and I’ve never done what I’m about to do, but if conservatives don’t trust this site, then the world is definately tilted off of its axis.^http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/01/15/end-near-doomsday-clock-holds-at-5-til-midnight/^Yes… Fox reported this.“We have the chance to turn the pages over,With the power to be powerful…”Is it worth sacrificing the world in order to prove someone is ‘right’?We’re in the lifeboat together. We live or die, together.Come together.Respectfully,Hopefully,C.

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    wcorvi  over 11 years ago

    The worst thing that can happen to the Democratic party is to have their candidate elected. But, the worst thing that can happen to the Republican party is to have THEIR candidate elected. Ergo, the only reason either party exists at all is that the other party exists. WHY, then, does each party hate the other one so much??!?

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    ARodney  over 11 years ago

    Obama has grabbed zero guns, rightie, and plans to grab zero guns. If you can’t be believed on the easy stuff, why should anyone trust you on anything?

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  5. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  over 11 years ago

    Presidents almost always tend to be more moderate and chastened in their second terms. (Well, GWB did try to get rid of Social Security but he was “special.”).I agree with Rall though. Anyone who’s ever called Obama a socialist — or even a liberal — is hopelessly cluelessly enmired in the kind of paranoia that would make gun and ammo sales surge after an elementary school is massacred.

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    Harrison_Bergeron  over 11 years ago

    Of course, in reality, they raised taxes on people making more than, what was it, $450,000 dollars? So, in reality, nearly all of “Bush’s tax cuts for the rich” went to people making less than that. Which means that, in reality, the canard “Bush’s tax cuts for the rich” was never anything more than an outright lie.

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    decimuscaelius  over 11 years ago

    Obama was hired by the ruling class to accomplish two tasks: Task number one is to keep the working class quiet and demoralized, especially black, brown, and female workers. On this he has succeeded so far. Task number two is to unite the capitalist class behind a coherent program to maintain political power and increase overall profit taking. On this task he has failed. The rulers are the most disunited, since the end of the US civil war. And while the biggest and greediest are making out, the global crisis of capitalist overproduction is just not going away.

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  8. Holyrat100
    Anarcissie  over 11 years ago

    The rich guy saying ‘Guess this makes me a Democrat’ is the key to the present Administration.

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  9. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Tom Tomorrow nailed it with his “Idea of Obama” strips. Obama has always been a moderate Democrat, very much in the mold of Bill Clinton. Clinton was willing to go along with financial deregulation & cutbacks on welfare that would have been hard for a Republican President to have pushed through.Delusional conservatives think Obama has a core belief in a radical social agenda… so do a lot of delusional liberals.http://www.credoaction.com/comics/2009/10/the_idea_of_obama/http://www.credoaction.com/comics/2009/12/the-return-of-the-the-idea-of-obama/

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  10. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Ted, I’m not sure you’ll ever get your popular revolt, but keep agitatin’. Democrats are no more immune to massive voter action on the left than Republicans have been to the Tea Party right.Americans can either continue our slide into a new GIlded Age, brought to you by “One Dollar, One Vote” & “Right to Exploit” laws, or we can start demanding politicians quit listening to Wall Street & mega-corporations.

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  11. Selfportrait2013
    Ted Rall creator over 11 years ago
    That is such an excellent point. Thank you for making it.
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    amaryllis2 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Geithner never worked for Goldman Sachs. He told a joke over a lunch that included a reporter who took it as straight news and ran with it. Newsweek did a piece on Geithner’s wishing he could set that record straight to the public.

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