Mike Luckovich for January 06, 2013

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    Odon Premium Member over 11 years ago

    The problem is the neo-tea’ers have no problem with burning the village down to save it.

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    I voted for Reagan, & Bush Sr. for president.I voted for John Warner and several other Virginia Republicans running for Senate and Congress as well as some who ran for Gov, and state Senate/congress.Just as the current Democratic party is a totally different body than it was prior to 1963, the Republicans are no longer the party it was prior to 1992. The only truly bipartisan action these bodies perform is in their efforts to keep any third party candidates from taking donors away from them and to keep themselves in office.Eisenhower said it would take an informed electorate to survive the military industrial complex, and his draft of that speech allegedly said, congressional, military, industrial complex.George Washington simply warned us political parties would divide and weaken our nation.Both men were right.Respectfully,C.

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  3. Masked
    Rickapolis  over 11 years ago

    Don’t count out the Tea Party just yet. The Taliban has made a big comeback, the teabaggers can as well. They really are very similar.

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    Odon Premium Member over 11 years ago

    They’re both funded by zealots.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, even Reagan, it is the “TEA party” that has gone off the cliff, and is NOT representative of “conservative” values. Republicans should consider the comparison of Krupp, and Koch, if they really want to assess what the “TEA” folks represent, and where they would lead this nation.

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    frodo1008  over 11 years ago

    You know, that might just make for a very interesting conspiracy theory!!

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  7. United federation
    corzak  over 11 years ago

    “why doesn’t the TEA Party register as a separate Political party”Because it’s broke. The contributions from Tea Party believers have been looted. – ‘Dick’ Armey walked off with 8 million from FreedomWorks here. – ‘Dick’ Morris used contributions from his massive email list to pay 1.7 million to: himself here. – Now they’re saying millions were squandered on Beck and Limbaugh for useless Tea Party promotion here. Etc.

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    hippogriff  over 11 years ago

    masterskrain: Viewed by the rest of the free world, the teabaggers are fascist, Republicans are reactionary, and Democrats are conservative, Greens are populist, Socialists are liberals, and communists just close the circle, with more similarities with fascists than any of the others.

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  9. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 11 years ago

    How I wish the Koch brothers had NOT thought up and financed the tea party. They say they are patriots and love America, but they act the opposite!

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    alex Coke Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Yes, and lets have a green perry too.

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Buzz teh Kat says;Your tail; that silent stalker…

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  12. Snoopy8qj
    wronhewitt  over 11 years ago

    For me, the Tea Party has lost some of it’s ‘revolutionary’ luster an’ credibility. It may well now be a drag on the GOP, rather than any sort of an asset. As a conservative, I am for smaller government that acts with responsibility and accountability. I understand that is a bit of a pipe dream, and it will take a long time to get there, if it is even possible at this point – as it is my considered opinion that our government is truly “broken,” and that those within our government are neither inclined to nor capable of the level of reform that is critically needed…There is no question in my mind that those in power (and this goes for both parties) have for a very long time regarded the public, the citizenry, the ‘people,’ if you will…as a herd of gullible fools. The mainstream media seems to endorse and propagate that notion. The ONLY time the power-mad an’ power-drunk politicians ever show any deference to We, The People in their actions or in their words is when election time is near. Even though they pander to the public shamelessly for votes, how well is THAT part of our broken system really working??? - – - – As bad as things had gotten by the 2012 elections, there was a 94% re-election percentage as the outcome. Only a very few politicians seeking re-election (6%) were denied it by the voters…That is both amazing an’ outrageous. It would seem to be a powerful statement of validation by the populace, wouldn’t it? I think the reason for such an election result is far more complex, an’ we must look in many places to find the answers for why We, The People rehired so many public officials who had performed so miserably in their jobs, an’ had received such dismal favorability ratings day-in and day-out…ONLY in the US Congress, US Senate an’ the executive branch can you be regularly and consistently rated “unsatisfactory” or “needs improvement” by 50% or more of your employers, an’ STILL get to keep your job…Like I said above, our government is broken. In 2008, the “Hope & Change” candidate promised to “fundamentally transform America.” In a twisted an’ perverse way, he has kept that promise. Our national debt is 50% higher than when he took office. We have more than twice as many people on welfare, food stamps, or unemployed as when he took office. Other nations see us as weaker an’ more unreliable. The Middle East is even more unstable than when he took office. While there is no argument that he has transformed America – all these results are far from encouraging, as he offered himself as a moderate an’ has beyond any shadow of a doubt revealed himself to be the new textbook example of a “tax an’ spend” liberal. He has shown no interest in curbing our spending problem, and his solutions all include higher taxes an’ more spending.- – - ’Four more years? I love America, but I am very troubled by what it happening to her…….

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  13. Img102
    Rymlianin  over 11 years ago

    There is only one party in the United States, the Party of Property… and it has two right wings: Republican bull-goose loonies and Democrat Alfred E. Neumans.

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  14. Snoopy8qj
    wronhewitt  over 11 years ago

    Clark Kent said, 2 days ago


    We only need two parties, Socialist and Democrat._______________________________________

    But that’s only one … …

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  15. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    Most Democrats know the history of the party, including those old “Dixiecrats” that were an embarrassment. Few Republicans I find on the far right especially, have a single CLUE the history of that party, and most ARE those “Dixiecrats” wearing that old grey hat of intolerance, and idiocy. It’s demonstrated well in the "ya’all cain’t take ma guns, ‘cause I gotta’ overthrow the gummint if they actally tra ta foller the Consitution (of the U.S., but the Confederacy is okay).

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