Michael Ramirez for November 02, 2012

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    Marty Z  over 11 years ago

    Mike, give it a rest. Sandy deserves more attention this week. Can you spell p-r-i-o-r-i-t-i-e-s?

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  2. Dataweaver 80
    dataweaver  over 11 years ago

    I doubt that Michael means that Hurricane Sandy isn’t newsworthy; rather, he’s pointing out how the White House would much rather talk about how they’re dealing with Hurricane Sandy than how they dealt with Benghazi. I can’t say that I blame them; if I were Obama, I wouldn’t want to talk about Benghazi either.

    Likewise, I suspect that he’d rather the American people think about Sandy rather than Benghazi for about a week or so, until the latter has no chance of hurting his election prospects anymore.

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  3. United federation
    corzak  over 11 years ago

    Since the date of the Benghazi attacks, while Fox has ya’ll whipped up over a non-scandal, 27 Americans have been killed in action in Afghanistan.http://icasualties.org/OEF/Fatalities.aspx

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  4. United federation
    corzak  over 11 years ago

    “that does not mean you simply ignore Behghazi”Howgzit, why do YOU ignore 27 American combat deaths in Afghanistan? Another 174 Americans wounded, in theater, in September alone?

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    It is my opinion the information giving full details about this attack will show it to have been a tragedy based on a calculated risk that went bad. If I am wrong, I will apologize, but the more I learn, the more it seems Ambassador Stevens felt the risk to his life to be less important than helping the Libyan people, many of whom grieved publicly when he died. Some even formed groups that attacked terrorist locations and drove them out, though they lost lives doing so.Ambassador Stevens felt these to be a people worth dying for. He did it while representing a nation he felt was worth dying for. He believed in his government and in humanity, and sets an example for the rest of us.Respectfully,C.

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  6. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 11 years ago

    Hurricane Sandy is a happy respite for Obama, since his criminally irresponsible behavior with regard to the Benghazi fiasco was starting to burn him. I think it is rather ironic how Obama now says that “we must cut through the red tape” to get help to people, when it is HIS SYSTEM of running things that is keeping help from getting to desperate people. The tragedy in the wake of Sandy is being exacerbated by the Progressive/collectivist squirrel-operated government machine.

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  7. United federation
    corzak  over 11 years ago

    “Your postings indicate that you think if people don’t post current news articles here it means they are “ignoring” it.”No. Only Jack. A month ago or so Jack said I was “simply wrong” when I posted profit earnings for 2nd quarter. I’m keeping him updated.

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    Cat43ullus  over 11 years ago

    Info in Benghazi

    MORE info on Benghazi

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  9. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 11 years ago

    The administration is dealing with the Benghazi issue, just not in the way the idiots would like.

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    Thank you for the link and the reply, Gore Bane. My wife voted against Gore in 2000 because he wanted to reduce the number of regulators in public service.I read your link and didn’t see anything I’ve not read before. Here is a link I found interesting and I wonder if this info came out in response to articles like the one you linked to me.^http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/02/usa-libya-cia-idUSL1E8M1LMT20121102?feedType=RSS^The Ambassador had a history of traveling into high risk areas of the mid east in order to find a way to bring peace between our cultures and government. He didn’t set out to die, I agree, but he accepted the fact he represented the USA would always make him a high value target.I do disagree with your premise, but am confident we will learn full details in the future. At that time, we will know if all of this anger at the President was proper, or if it was insufficient.I stand by my previous posting and look forward to our continuing debate.Respectfully,C.

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  11. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 11 years ago

    Is it not up to the oil companies to get gas to the pumps and the pumps working?

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  12. Spy vs spy
    noktar Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Obama built Sandy

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    ninety_nine_percent  over 11 years ago

    A vote for Romney is a vote to move the middle class into poverty.

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    cipactli77  over 11 years ago

    Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job.

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    Pogostiks Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Yes, obviously God wants Obama to win for sending the hurricane so that we’ll forget about Benghazi. Oh, but while we’re at it, maybe we should remember the 47% video, the dog on the roof story, the fact that Romney would do away with the financing of FEMA and Mitt’s useless Foreign tour where he was objectionable to all our Allies. DUH!

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    joe vignone  over 11 years ago

    Fox’s Benghazi wet dream has been debunked.

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  17. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    C Downs, thanks for a rational and reasoned response. I’ve served, and lost friends in combat. More have served, and given their lives in Afghanistan and Iraq, terrible mistakes based on HUGE lies from our “leaders”.

    Ambassador Stevens, and the other three lost, are NOT “small” tragedies, but considering the larger field of errors we’ve been involved in for two decades in Iraq, and a decade in Afghanistan, perspective is more important that “politics”.

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    marta t  over 11 years ago

    It’s not only on the subject of Benghazi that information is lacking. What does the public know about NDAA, about the drone war, the ’kill list"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=WmY6AXy4TnA

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  19. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    A report that seems far more accurate to initial, and follow up reports OTHER THAN “Faux”:


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    jdsender  over 11 years ago

    Benghazi is, at worst, a systematic failure. Condi Rice, who knows how the State Dept. works, said there’s no scandal here. Sandy’s devastation is orders of magnitude worse than Benghazi. Gov Christie made it clear that Pres Obama is doing more than posing for photo ops. Way different than W during Katrina.You folks make wild accusations and attack anyone that disagrees with you; so what do you have to say about those crazy liberals Condi Rice & Chris Christie?

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    chasches  over 11 years ago


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    marta t  over 11 years ago

    why is it not possible to see the rest of the comments?

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    Thomas Devers Premium Member over 11 years ago

    @Harry NeumanAmen!

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    PlainBill  over 11 years ago

    Lies again, always with lies from the Rethuglibots.

    The facts have been released repeatedly, but the rethuglibots are so lazy they don’t read. http://tinyurl.com/bxc9j5l

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