Gary Varvel for November 02, 2012

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    Odon Premium Member over 11 years ago

    There a lot more to it than that one part of one issue.

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    person918  over 11 years ago

    it’s kind of sad (not to mention frightening) that such a large portion of the voting public actually believes there are little fetus and zygote spirits floating around somewhere

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    echoraven  over 11 years ago

    …as many people believed years ago that the earth was flat…

    Good boy Clark, believing what you are told to believe…

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    moderateisntleft  over 11 years ago

    Well, some beleive and they want to legislate their beliefs onto the rest of us

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    neuturn  over 11 years ago

    Sounds like you want to get rid of freedom of Religion. I am proud to live in a country that allows it. You don’t have to believe if you choose not too. I do not reject free thinkers, as I think what I want and you can think what you want too.

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    ARodney  over 11 years ago

    When Obamacare kicks in, all women will be able to get contraceptives for free (if the right-wing Catholic objection can be over-ridden). In a St Louis experiment where young women were allowed to choose whatever contraceptives they wanted for free, like Obamacare, abortion rates were reduced to 20% of the control group. That’s a bigger reduction than any of the 300 GOP laws passed in the past two years has achieved. You cannot be against abortion and oppose Obamacare — unless, of course, naked partisanship trumps the will to reduce abortions.

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    DavidGBA  over 11 years ago

    One child policy and male chauvanism generally made lots of female fetus abortions, but they have less hair and other body development. Death is part of life, sooner or later, after lots of quality life or not much, regardless of years,

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 11 years ago

    We need to protect the unborn until they are born. After that, they’re on their own. When women are unable to use contraceptives, let alone get an abortion, they have more children. In every nation in the world, allowing women to plan their births has resulted in economic growth due to increased opportunities for women and family resources being concentrated on raising and educating fewer children.If you look at my 5 point plan, you’ll see that I have a process for shutting that down. If we are going to compete with China, we need lots and lots of babies who will grow up hoping for nothing better than a life working long hours in unsafe conditions.

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    lonecat  over 11 years ago

    Just looking at the cartoon — how did Varvel decide that when an aborted fetus goes to heaven it looks like a cute eight-year old? Why not like a sick old lady? And according to some theologians, the aborted fetuses won’t got to heaven anyway, because they haven’t been baptized.

    Here’s another cartoon for you — a sad sperm caught inside a condom saying, “Gosh, I wish I’d had a chance to fertilize that cute egg, we could have made a wonderful person.” You could have the egg on the other side looking wistful and waving at the sperm. And they would look like really good looking Yuppies or something like that.

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    archimedeslives  over 11 years ago

    Clark, if you are right then abortion is even worse than the religious say. If there is no heaven, then killing the unborn takes from them their ONLY chance.

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    archimedeslives  over 11 years ago

    Incorrect, my religion tells me what it believes and I am free to accept that or not. If I do not accept what is dogma, then I am not really part of the religion, in areas outside dogma disagreement is allowed and debated.

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    joe vignone  over 11 years ago

    I am sure there is a binder out there for you somewhere, little girl.

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    feverjr Premium Member over 11 years ago

    What’s wrong with this picture…Mitt invests in the abortion industry and he’s the good guy.Obama upholds the law and he’s the bad guy.

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    ronpolimeni  over 11 years ago

    Blame your parents kids, not the president. If abortion were illegal and your Mom not among the well to do she might well be there with you having bled to death at the hands of a back alley butcher. Legal or illegal, the wealthy will still have access to safe sanitary abortions.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    Sketch Romney said, about 5 hours agoWe need to protect the unborn until they are born. After that, they’re on their own. (end of quote of Sketch)-you are so far behind and so ignorant of facts….there have been Christian organizations to help single mothers, with choice of keeping or giving up their baby for adoption, and the Moral Majority of the 1980s gave a boost to new Christian helps…including the care of the baby and finding parents to raise the child to adulthood. I do not remember any Christian or any Conservative so callous as you liar libs keep claiming.-p.s. it is not only “the woman’s body” being controlled by abortion….abortions are done from the average 3 months until and even after the baby is fully developed at 9 months!When a woman is pregnant, she is dealing with God’s new human body being grown inside her….it is separate with a complete individual blood system…not using the mother’s blood for life….it is a distinct and separate being from the mother or the father.-God says in the Bible that His angels take care of each and every conceived human on earth, and that the innocent children are taken to Heaven….the only humans who do not go to Heaven are the ones with the age of understanding and the deliberate rejection of God and the atonement of God’s only Son, Jesus the Christ. Those go to be with their true “father”…Lucifer/Satan the Father of Lies. If you lie as a habit, you are the child of Satan.

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    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    dt: again, it’s so nice to know that not ONE SINGLE CHILD in America is left waiting for adoption, or in foster care, because every child is in a loving, caring family, where none are “meth heads” who beat, starve, and kill their kids, or sell them out, in one manner or another, to get more drugs. EVERY rape victim who becomes pregnant from the act, also sees that as the divine wisdom of a “benevolent God” who intended her to be attacked in her home, beaten, stabbed, raped, and left pregnant".

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    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    @dred:My understanding of “original sin”, which could be different from others, is that it is the result of Adam and Eve eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

    What kind of God would create the ability to gain knowledge, and then tell his children not to gain it, and punish them for the temptation he put there in the first place? Oh, right, this explains why people deny science: they’re afraid it will be considered sinful to accept the fact that science exists. No need to go to hell; just stay ignorant and we’ll all be happy.

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    lonecat  over 11 years ago

    There are too many people in the world. I think we should pass a law that for just one generation no one at all is allowed to have children. That should solve the problem quite nicely.

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    rogcbrand  over 11 years ago

    What’s sick is that there are lots of leftists who believe eating meat is “murder” but killing tens of millions of developed human babies is “choice.”

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    heymikey80  over 11 years ago

    I always find it remarkable when people decide “there’s a lot more to it” than killing life. What rationalizes killing human life, again?

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Yes, then you could have worked for less pay with his help, and a lot more of you would have been born because he’d help employers duck their responsibility to provide full health benefits, which means some of your mommies would have died instead of giving birth to you.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 11 years ago

    People who are against the choice for abortion seems to be ignorant of why it was put in place in the first place. Because you lost more than you gained from women getting unsafe abortions anyway. Also as said I don’t see people fight for the children allready born its only those just not yet born, so in the end its only about “you” and not “them” to maintain “your” integrity with religion.

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    michael Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Are those those two the result of rape or incest?

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    gfreeman  over 11 years ago

    You have to be baptized to get to heaven, so big FAIL in this cartoon for a start. God doesn’t want the non-baptized around Him – His rules not ours, so as far as He’s concerned abortion is merely the extermination of heathens and therefore completely allowed.

    Stupid religion anyway.

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    andreagold  over 11 years ago

    Abortion is not a form of birth control. You men who are making coments make me puke! You like the procreation part but not the responsibility of a child. And it is not a fetus, it is a baby. I wonder if your mother ever thought about doing that to you.

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    rhuhner  over 11 years ago

    You are way out of your element. By your reasoning they are not contented in Heaven and would want to be back on earth. If that’s your idea of Heaven, WOW!!!!!

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    lonecat  over 11 years ago

    And the traditional belief was that women should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Thank God for feminism.

    I agree that the fact of miscarriage doesn’t justify abortion, but it does make me wonder about God’s ability to run things properly.

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    chasches  over 11 years ago

    “Pro-life” arguments make as much sense as depicting aborted fetuses as fully-developed little girls with clothes and styled hair makes. A Good Cartoon.

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    ilovemypapillon  over 11 years ago

    @Sketch RomneyOh, because life is so awful here in the U.S. that we should congratulate those who never have a chance to experience it, makes total sense. Not. Do you realize how socialistic “In every nation in the world, allowing women to plan their births has resulted in economic growth due to increased opportunities for women and family resources being concentrated on raising and educating fewer children.” sounds? Do you really think that killing off some children so that we can devote more resources to the rest is really a good thing? If so, I feel sorry for you.

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