Matt Bors for October 31, 2012

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Why would any woman vote for either of these slime bags?-Or Willard the ChickenHawk, for that matter?

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 11 years ago

    ^ Actually, I think you have a valid point. They just couldn’t be that stupid by accident.

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  3. Klinger1
    walruscarver2000  over 11 years ago

    It remains an absolute mystery to me how any woman of child bearing age (or any parent who has one) could vote for these twits or their supporters.

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  4. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 11 years ago

    Or, as one humorist put it: “they’re so dumb they are proof of reincarnation — they couldn’t get that dumb in one lifetime!”

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  5. Missing large
    archimedeslives  over 11 years ago

    For those that believe that the unborn child is a human being that is not a solution. Imagine the following.Guy 1: I want to kill you.Guy 2: I don’t want you to kill me.Guy 1: Let;s compromise, I’ll just break your arms and legs.

    Compromise is not always possible. If one believes that the unborn are human beings with all the rights and privileges that accords abortion is not acceptable.

    I am looking at this as a logical argument not a religious one. I believe the unborn are human beings and it has nothing to do with religion.

    Please do not bother with the tubal pregnancy arguments, it is obvious that such a pregnancy cannot go to term and the death of the baby is inevitable, therefore saving the mother’s life makes perfect sense.

    But as a logical argument if you believe the unborn is a person, then no compromise is possible.

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  6. Kca mind the snp
    Ryan Plut  over 11 years ago

    Having a baby is a MEDICAL PROCEDURE that you should have full and total control over without outside interference! Imagine having to get your mayors approval before you could get surgery of any kind!

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  7. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 11 years ago

    Let’s say we get to the point where we can clone a human being from any cell — since any cell has the whole DNA package. In that case, any cell has the potential to become a human being, just as much as any child has the potential to become a human being. You may say, Oh, but only with scientific/medical intervention. So I say, Here’s a fetus with some medical problems, it’s in danger of dying before birth, but with medical attention it could be saved. Would any random cell have the same rights to scientific/medical intervention that the fetus would have? Just wondering.

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  8. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 11 years ago

    You have explicitly and willfully misunderstood me and insulted me. Then you ignore my entire argument and try to go for an emotional argument, devoid of facts. Do you eat meat, OC? Any cow has “legs and a beating heart.” Is that your definition of human? And by the way, the “morning after pill” is NOT AN ABORTIFICENT. I think it unfortunate that any woman should need to have an abortion. Take your vile slanders somewhere else.

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  9. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 11 years ago

    Willful ignorance is the Republican brand.

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  10. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    Pardon me Orthodox Catholic, As Mr. Bors, O31 cartoon is covering this topic of which you have such passion and obvious grief, and as you are again stating your point, I interject the questions I’ve asked you before.As a person who is religiously(Catholic) and politically pro life, what penalties do you believe should be levied on mothers who abort, Doctors who perform the abort, and fathers who assist or merely agree to the abortion. What shall be done with the 200-500% increase of population with new infants born soon after your laws are passed?I truly want to know. I have heard NO pro life person on tv, radio, or in this post, suggest penalties to the laws you would enact and enforce.Respectfully, and Helplessly,C.

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  11. Klinger1
    walruscarver2000  over 11 years ago

    And if the pregnant woman was your wife, sister, daughter??? Same attitude?

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