Clay Bennett for October 17, 2012

  1. Dx7ii
    Yammo Premium Member over 11 years ago

    What an Obama zombie… You still view O as the savior. What an idiot.

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  2. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  over 11 years ago

    Noted that he’s wearing RCMP outfit. O Canada!

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  3. Darwin fish
    DenverMosaic  over 11 years ago

    She must be part of the 47% Romney doesn’t care about.

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  4. Shamrock
    schmegs24  over 11 years ago

    I like this ‘toon. I believe from last night’s debate that one wants to run me over and the other wants to help me.

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  5. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    @yammoCheck out David Stockman’s article on Romney and what he really did with Bain in the 10/22 issue of Newsweek. Before you call Mr. Stockman an Obamabot, remember that he was Ronald Reagan’s budget director.

    I will agree that Obama has been somewhere between a disappointment and a disaster. I submit it can get worse, and will if Romney becomes president.

    I am still waiting for SOMEONE to tell me he/she likes Romney and his plans for the country. So far, Romney’s only appeal is that he is not Obama.

    I’M not Obama either. I am hereby tossing my hat into the ring for President. Please write in my name. I don’t have a super-PAC, but I’m sure you have been convinced by now that both candidates are the most horrible people ever. So vote for me.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    The ’toon is “cartoonish”, but not far off. Stockman btw also finally confessed that “Reaganomics” was the biggest disaster in the history of the U.S. economy, and specifically as ignorantly followed by the “W” administration. Also, Greenspan also confessed the process was a “mistake”.

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  7. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 11 years ago

    From Mr. Stockman’s comments:

    _Mitt Romney was not a businessman; He was a master financial speculator who bought, sold, flipped, and stripped businesses. _

    He did not build enterprises the old-fashioned way—out of inspiration, perspiration, and a long slog in the free market fostering a new product, service, or process of production. Instead, he spent his 15 years raising debt in prodigious amounts on Wall Street so that Bain could purchase the pots and pans and castoffs of corporate America, leverage them to the hilt, gussy them up as reborn “roll-ups,” and then deliver them back to Wall Street for resale—the faster the better.As reported in:

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  8. Darwin fish
    DenverMosaic  over 11 years ago

    Wow! You’re foaming at the mouth, calm down frothy.First dude, my statement is right Romney does not care about them. Second, lots of individuals do not earn enough to pay income taxes. They pay other taxes payroll, sales etc.These individuals are honest workers who truly want to improve their economic status and live the American dream and not moochers like your guy suggest..Oh! strangely enough your guy wants eliminate capital gains taxes if that comes to past, he’ll pay zip, nada, How’s that about not paying income taxes? You went on into a rant about me justifying killing black babies??? Where did that come from?Fascist? Racist? Well, it’s all your projection. I understand.

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  9. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 11 years ago

    It’s not that he doesn’t care about them, it’s that they don’t pay taxes, so that any call for lower taxes doesn’t interest them.-Nope. Willard really does not give a whit about them. “It’s not my job to worry about those people. I’m never going to convince them to take personal responsibility for their own lives”.-He is contemptuous of anyone not rich. He likes NASCAR — as in some of the owners are his friends. He wouldn’t be caught dead sitting in the bleachers for a race. If he came to YOUR house, he wouldn’t touch your food. -His call for ‘lower taxes’ is all for the wealthy, like Sheldon Adelson, the Kochs,and his NASCAR owner friends.

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  10. Darwin fish
    DenverMosaic  over 11 years ago

    Well as for the President, I give you that. I don’t know if he personally cares about me as a single individual among 300million+ out there.Tell me where I am wrong about Romney, he does not care about 47% of the US population. Perhaps youstill watch that tape on mute.Watching the debate, I distinctly heard that he wants to eliminate capital gains tax.Since virtually all his income is from investments, he will pay nearly zero. (wonder why he’s hiding 10 years worth of his tax returns).Dude, I read my local paper, watch TV in my free time including the channels you seem to know a lot about. I know you’re here just to regurgitate right wing talking points. I could care less.

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  11. Masked
    Rickapolis  over 11 years ago

    The engineer is Romney, but it’s the republican train.

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  12. Granny
    MaeRiot  over 11 years ago

    Well illustrated. Considering the odds, who can save her?

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  13. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 11 years ago

    “…….The reTHUGlicans tied up Obama’s horse, stole its shoes, put burrs under it’s saddle blanket and then loosened the belly strap (I don’t know the proper term I don’t like horses)…..”.It’s called a cinch strap. And you’d have a hard time stealing a horse’s shoes – they don’t have laces – CITY SLICKER!!

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  14. Klinger1
    walruscarver2000  over 11 years ago

    Until your own nation is perfect, perhaps you should refrain from advising others. (And yes, I’d give that same advise to the US).

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  15. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 11 years ago

    The cartoon title “The Race” says it all does it not?

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  16. Quill pen
    Yontrop  over 11 years ago

    Maybe Uncle Sam should be on the track too. And Mitt shouldn’t actually be driving the train… but who knows who is?I think the cartoon is more aimed at the whole process and what it has turned the election into.

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  17. Froggy ico
    lbatik  over 11 years ago

    He only “gives more in charity” because he counts tithes to the Mormon church as giving to charity. Technically it is; the Mormon church has charitable status. However, it doesn’t actually go towards feeding the hungry or housing the homeless or job training or any other such charitable works; it just goes towards running the Mormon church, and making sure that the Mormon elders have their shinies.

    It’s quite commonly cited that conservatives “give more to charity” than liberals; however, the bulk of that charitable giving does tend to mean to their churches, and although that does sometimes mean that it goes towards genuinely helping the needy, in other cases it just means enriching the church and allowing the head of that church to build bigger, spiffier houses and churches for himself. The reports do not distinguish.

    ~In the case of Mormons, however, they tend to only really extend help to Mormons. This is the weakness of the “charity.”

    As for the rest…dunno, it sounded really ranty and spittle-flecked to me, too.

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  18. Groucho2
    doug  over 11 years ago

    Romney likes binding up women.

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  19. Darwin fish
    DenverMosaic  over 11 years ago

    Romney will give himself and the top a huge tax cut and leave the rest of us and later generations to foot the bill. Got that.

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  20. Froggy ico
    lbatik  over 11 years ago

    As a woman, you are truly delusional. Obviously other women’s access to birth control is of no interest to you. But have you honestly paid no attention at all to the analyses of what Ryan’s proposals actually mean for Medicare, not to mention his other lies about Obama, medical care and other issues?

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